The whole point of any civilization is for that civilization in whole, to be of benefit to the people, in whole. That is to say, each of us willingly sacrifices some personal and economic freedoms in order to live within a construct in which people from diverse backgrounds as well as diverse objectives, are able to thereupon come together into one vibrant body politic, for the greater good of the people. After all, the greatest accomplishments in any society come forth, from people working together that have different skill sets and capabilities in which those people work hard and are diligent, so as to create things of benefit and of improvement for society. This is why we have, for instance, public roads, public utilities, public parks, and public schools, because each of these is a real need for a given family or individual, in which, by our joint efforts, these infrastructure elements are accomplished.
Because each of us is different in our skills, in our background, in our outlook, and in our throughput, the results from our efforts are going to be materially different. This thus means that in a capitalistic society some will have more than others, which is fine to a certain extent, because each of us have different motivations in our lives. However, when any country over a long period of time, devolves into the very opposite of what it is supposed to be in principle; and further to the point, there are those that are in highly favorable positions, that bend the rules to favor a specific subset of those people, at the expense of the people, in whole; then this country has ceded control of what should be for the common good, to those privileged few that take far more than their rightful share.
In America, there is a massive chasm separating the richest of the rich, combined with the most powerful players in this country, from the unfortunate underclass, which is so often systemically oppressed, ill-educated, as well as lacking in hope and opportunity; all indicative that an elite minority rules with their power, exploitation and injustice over those that simply have never had a fair chance to make something of themselves. Further, America's middle class so suffers from being placed in the unenviable position of being unable to feel, more often than not, completely secure in their own employment, or their assets, or in their future retirement, because the American middle class edifice has developed structural cracks in its foundation., that should and does worry America's middle class.
In actuality, as much as America prides itself on being a country that is egalitarian in principle; in actuality, it isn't, for virtually every statistic of merit demonstrates that the very few have the lion's share of not only the real material wealth of America, but also are seemingly immune to police or justice harassment, and essentially are invulnerable of ever being in jeopardy of life, limb, or the curtailment of their freedom. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of America's citizens are now living in a world, in which it would appear that literally everything that they do, say, or travel to, is being monitored as well as being stored into a vast database, so that the few and powerful, are able to, at their command, compromise or control those that would think of taking from them, the power that they have, so that they can continue to lord it over the people, and to enjoy the really good life, at their collective expense.