The vital importance of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to our Constitution / by kevin murray

The Ninth Amendment to our Constitution states as follows: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." The Tenth Amendment to our Constitution states as follows: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." The very purpose behind these vital Amendments was meant to put in writing and in action the principle that this republic would always and forever be a republic of the people, by the people, and of the people.  Yet, today's government incessantly acts and behaves in a manner in which, it has become for all intents and purposes, answerable not to the people, but to an agenda hidden from the public view, which makes this a government, not of the people.


In so many respects, this government by its actions is the principle oppressor of the people.  For instance, this government takes away the people's freedom, by the incarceration of so many of them who have been convicted of crimes, of which a significant number of those crimes are essentially victimless or the predictable result of systemic poverty, ill-education, and forced segregation.  So too, the people's right to peaceably assemble, is far too often met with a militarized police force, ready to arrest and to harass good citizens for no ostensible good reason, other than to silence and to subjugate them.  Additionally, the ability of the people to be about their business, without excessive, unnecessary and intrusive surveillance of their location, their communications, and a detailed dossier of whom and what they are, is the de facto standard operating procedure of this governmental state.


In everything that this government does in which the people's rights have been perverted into being effectively turned into no longer being unalienable rights; but instead are considered to be no more than governmental privileges, which may or may not be granted, depending upon circumstances as to how the government perceives such; is indicative that all is not well with how this government goes about serving and representing the people.  Rather, this national government has become the super-government, effectively rising above the Constitution that it is required to serve and to defend, and those that are the powers behind this government, see the people not as a resource, to aid and abet, as necessary; but rather as a resource to exploit, extract, and to control, for the purposes of those powers that control the government.


The rights and the powers of the people, are supposed to be the very rights and powers that this government, is meant to protect, to serve, and to augment.  That is to say, the very fight for our independence from Great Britain was never done under the auspices that the denizens of this country, simply wished to change from one master across the sea, to the same sort of master upon its own shores, but rather to eliminate, once and for all, tyranny upon the people.  This thus signifies, that all judicial decisions reached, as well as all legislation passed, in addition to Executive orders so promulgated, that are not in accordance with, or in harmony with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to this Constitution and the principles of that Constitution, thereof, are of themselves, unconstitutional, for they are clearly inimical to the people and to this republic.