We read in the beginning of Holy Scripture, "The serpent said to the woman, “You won’t really die, for God knows that in the day you eat it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3: 4-5). Previously, Adam and Eve were specifically instructed by God, not to touch or eat of a certain tree, or else they would die. In fact, Adam and Eve, did eat of it, and they did not die; at least they did not initially physically die, though the eating of this metaphorical tree, signified that Adam and Eve, and thereupon subsequently, all mankind on this earth, had decided that they did not need the super consciousness of God any longer, but believed that they could exist with just their own consciousness, severed from its direct link to God.
This, thus meant that mankind, now really did indeed know good and evil, because without the wisdom and guidance of the Supreme Being, they were thereby subject to the vicissitudes of life in this world; because their limited consciousness no longer had the perspective to understand and to comprehend the illusion behind all that would appear to be all so real, and hence stuck within that construct in which ever action, created a reaction. So too, they also lacked the ability to control all that existed within this domain, for they no longer were co-creators of such, but rather were subject to such.
The story of Adam and Eve, is best understood, as the story of spiritual beings that became so enchanted with physical form and physicality, that they ultimately found themselves to be enticed and overwhelmed by the pleasures of such; that they consciously ended up crossing over the metaphorically line drawn in the sand, to become so incarnated within this plane, and to such a degree, that they lost in that garden their direct connection to God, for their human bodies now placed constraints and limitations, previously undreamt of, that redefined them.
So then, the fall of Adam and Eve, is always about those spiritual beings consciously leaving of that which is the Highest Form of consciousness, to take upon them that which is a lower form of consciousness -- known therewith as our current human form. That said, mankind is not without hope, for God is immutable, and further even those that have lived in darkness for eons upon eons, need not worry that they can never escape that darkness, for when that Light is rediscovered, it will be as if that Light never left, for in actuality, it never has and never will.
This thus means that all of the troubles that mankind has, does not exist to torture or to punish mankind, but is there to prick the conscience of mankind -- for all this will continue to happen to mankind, ad nauseam, so as to vividly bring to the mind of mankind, that not all is right. Therefore, when mankind finally wakes up to the reality that their consciousness and their way cannot possibly be the right way; such will begin the process of mankind becoming enlightened to the degree that mankind will understand that the only possible way to break out of this endless cycle of selfishness and physical death, is to look beyond their limitations to that which is not limited, at all. This means, that mankind must collectively crucify their selfish ego and physical form, so as to resurrect what they always were, in the beginning.