The founding document of this republic is its Declaration of Independence, for it is this Declaration that the people of that seminal time, rose up and thereby fought for their independence from Great Britain. This thus means that when that independence was fairly won and thereby a treaty was signed by both parties, this truly signified that the people within that nation were thereby able to rightly claim their unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those rights, are not governmental rights, but are endowed to each one of us, by our Creator.
The Constitution as written and ratified, which is the highest law of this land, was written for the express purpose to not only join the colonies together into one body politic, but also to affirm that our unalienable rights, would be not only protected by that Constitution, but to affirm that this authorized government would not ever take those rights away from the people. To the extent that this country protects and upholds the preeminent rights of the people, such is in harmony with the Constitution, and to the extent that this country takes away the unalienable rights of the people, such is inimical to that Constitution and to the intent and purpose of that Constitution and our founding.
This thus means, that rather than the purpose of governance being to pass more and more laws, dubious or not, and to interpret and reinterpret law, necessary or not; that the real purpose of that governance is to be the defender, the protector, and the upholder of the unalienable rights of those that are its citizens, above all else. Further to the point, the law as applied should always be equally applied to all, with no person, and no corporation, and no entity, and no governmental representative, ever to be above that law.
This Constitution is not now, nor has it ever been, the grantor of rights to those that live within this nation, but rather its prevailing purpose is to uphold the unalienable rights that each of its citizens of this nation, are born with, and can never properly have taken from them, without due process of the law, properly applied. That is to say, our Constitutional rights are not arbitrary, in the sense that what the government grants on one given day, can thereby subsequently be taken away or amended on some other given day, in which case, living within that construct would mean that the Constitution could thereby mean whatever that those that are the ruling or judicial party desires it to mean, but rather that this Constitution is first and foremost for the express purpose to recognize that this government can never take away the unalienable rights of its citizens, but rather it was created to defend and to protect those rights, for that is very reason why the people came together, into one body politic.
The highest law of this land, is now and always has been, created and ratified, for the people, by the people, and of the people -- in which any party, or any person, or any entity that believes that this Constitution is the great giver of our rights, misunderstands such, for rather the Constitution is structured to affirm, defend, and protect our unalienable rights, from being unjustly wrested away from us.