For many people in many societies, they suffer at their lack of good and stable employment, good and affordable healthcare, good and affordable education, good and safe environments, and so many other basic things, which are often taken for granted by those that have those very things. In point of fact, the vast majority of mankind is either outright exploited and/or suffers the ill effects of living within a construct in which they have little real hope of being masters of their own fate, but instead, are dependent upon governmental largesse as well as other institutions to sustain their lives for themselves as well as for their family members, with little real hope of ever generating the escape velocity to become truly their own sovereign and independent people.
That which is social suffering is the misuse of political and economic conditions in which one's position in that society, is often dependent more upon who that they know and what they are connected to, as opposed to their given capabilities, potential and opportunity. That is to say, there are millions upon millions of people that are born within a structure in which, their fate has already been predetermined, and that fate is one that will never allow them to lift their head up, for they are born without power, without influence, and without self-determination.
While today's society, offers creature comforts, at a level that could only be imagined upon in years gone by; there is a fundamental error in believing that creature comforts in and of themselves, bring happiness and satisfaction to those that have it, for life has a lot more to do with the satisfaction that one gets from a purpose sought for and lived to, then that which at its core, is provided as a matter of course, to keep the masses somewhat pacified, and therefore non-revolutionary.
This world as a whole, has never had more material wealth, than it holds forth today, and never has the global knowledge been greater than it is currently; yet, despite all of this wealth and all of this knowledge, the greater amount of peoples are oppressed, dissatisfied, emasculated, and exploited, to the degree that indicates that mankind's inhumanity to mankind is something that no degree of wealth, and that no degree of knowledge, has been able to effectively change or to transform.
In any society, in which the very, very few in number, effectively control the great masses of its fellow members, so that these few, essentially rule in the manner and way that not only perpetuates their power but insists that the greater part of that population was created to serve them, then such a society as that is inherently unequal and inherently unjust. This, in and of itself, creates social suffering, for when the masses are left with just table scraps, yet, are cognizant that they should be afforded far more, then the frustration of their lack, breeds discontent, incivility, and resentment.
All social suffering is the offshoot of societies that are unjust in their structure, unequal in their form, and illiberal in their policies, and that social suffering in those societies will continue until the end of time, until such is addressed in a fundamental way that rectifies it, by the governance that is specifically structured to do exactly that.