What we owe those that were brought here in chains / by kevin murray

The slaves that came upon the shores of America did not arrive here in chains, because of wars that America had with those other countries, but rather those that became enslaved were systematically taken from their native land and compelled to come to this country in a condition of chattel slavery.  Those that bought these human beings, treated such as chattel property, and even the law of the land in America during its period of legal slavery, provided little or no rights whatsoever, to those that were enslaved.


While it is true that those that were formerly enslaved are now free, and that even the laws of this great land, now provide to all, at least on paper, the same vested powers for all of its citizens, regardless of sex, race, or creed; the overall net result clearly demonstrates that the overwhelming amount of wealth and justice of this nation, favors those that were of the same race as the slaveholders, at the expense of those that are of the race, that were enslaved.


In a nation, that has aggregate wealth that has never been exceeded by any other empire in the history of the world, this country and its people owe to those that were violently taken from their country of origin, something of real merit in return.  Additionally, all those that were forcefully taken to this country in which their heritage in America was slavery, should be entitled to have a seat at the table of justice, opportunity, and hope.  This thus means, that this country owes all those that have a preponderance of proof that their forbearers were enslaved in this country, something tangible, of which that something, should reflect that value in present day dollars.


For instance, as reported on measuringworth.com, the estimated value of a typical antebellum slave's services in 2016 dollars would be $92,000.  It so then follows, that each person that has a bloodline legacy of slavery in this country, is fairly entitled to be compensated by this national government, to $92,000, and that bonds issued by that amount of money, should be rightly available for those people, when they become of age, without exception to their present state of employment, education, or similar.


In a nation that spends hundreds of billions upon hundreds of billions of dollars, on its war department, such a nation as that, can surely afford to take care of its own people, first.  Further to the point, as reported by stateofworkingamerica.org, "In 2010, the median wealth, or net worth, for black families was $4,900, compared to median wealth for whites of $97,000."  This is proof positive that in order for black families to catch up to those of the race that enslaved them, that the most positive action that will truly allow blacks that have suffered from a heritage of chattel slavery, to get what they so richly deserve for being an integral part of the building of this great nation, is monetary compensation.


After all, it is never too late to do the right thing.  Further, there was never a time when slavery was necessary in America, yet, slavery was part and parcel of America, and its aftermath is still felt here, today.  Those that have suffered so long have suffered enough, and it's high time to pay what needs to be paid, so that justice will finally be served.