The United States has been at war for virtually the entire 21st century, and has continued to be at war with the inchoate "war on terror", which encompasses countries such as Afghanistan. So too, the United States has recently been at war or is still at war with elements or the countries of Niger, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Further, the defense budget of fiscal year 2019 for America is $693 billion, proof positive that the United States is clearly geared up for war, ad infinitum.
In all of this war, strangely the United States demands no real sacrifice of its civilian population which doesn’t seem fair to our men and women in uniform that are sacrificing their lives, limbs, and minds to our overseas wars. This necessitates that in order for Americans to feel the impact of these wars and thereby to make war more tangible to the civilian population of this country, that taxes, curfews, and rationing must be enacted, posthaste, in order for Americans to begin to comprehend that war really is brutal, nasty, and savage.
The first step to waking up the civilian population of America is to implement onto all taxpayers, be they corporations or individuals, a wartime premium tax. The best structure for that tax is to make it progressive, with a very steep curve at the end, so that the most profitable corporations and individuals would therefore pay their fair share in support of their nation with their dollars. It is well to remember that, during World War II the top rate for individual tax returns was 94%, and it so follows that this rate should be applied immediately, for the richest of the rich, and should remain in effect as long as this country is at war. Further, all large corporations of a certain size, should be subject to an extra 15% federal income tax rate, and in addition, all those corporations, that currently circumvent United States taxation laws, by parking their earnings overseas, should pay an annual 20% surcharge for doing so, based on the net amount of monies so held, overseas.
Additionally, rationing of oil, food, clothing, coal, and various other consumer goods must be implemented, with governmental rationing programs put into place, affecting each and every member of this great nation. After all, most of the wars that America insists upon involving itself in, are directly or indirectly because of oil, so that, Americans must be restricted in the amount of gasoline and oil so used, in all products, in which, the goal of such restriction would be to reduce the consumption of oil products by a meaningful percentage, such as 20%. Further, it isn't fair that Americans continue to eat and shop as if there isn't war(s) going on, and rationing cards must be issued to thereby restrict the purchase of certain goods in order to demonstrate constraint and some degree of discipline so as to properly align the nation's psyche with the gravity of war. Also, a general curfew should be put into effect, precluding nightclubs and other businesses catering to drinking and carousing, to forestall such, until such a time as war has been ended, and America is victorious.
In all of this, Americans should be ever grateful, for their sacrifices though perhaps inconvenient are for the better good of their nation, and in specific support of the war effort, at large. For, how is it possible for Americans to eat, drink, and be merry, when their fellow Americans overseas, are being cut to pieces, by our enemies? After all, a house divided will not stand, and a nation at war, needs its home front to reflect their patriotic fervor by their communal sacrifice for that greater good.