Adam Smith first came up with the concept of the "invisible hand" in regards to the free marketplace, which would because all parties, buyers, middlemen, as well as sellers, were following their own self-interest, lead to a general fairness and equilibrium between the supply and demand of goods which would be of benefit to all those parties, rather than any sort of government imposed social structure, that would strictly limit what goods could or could not be produced, where they were so produced, the pricing of such, and the basic control of the business apparatus and availability of by a governmental or its equivalency entity.
Surely, in modern times, the tale has been told, that governments that control the ingress and egress of goods, that control the resources and production of goods, absolutely can't hold a candle to free enterprise, so that, countries that are capitalistic in principle are in aggregate far more productive, and are thereby far richer than other nations, probably because, appealing to one's self-interest which benefits that party directly, does indeed, increase productivity, work efficiencies, and overall labor efforts.
That said, capitalism, is a system, that though it does in aggregate benefit society as a whole, it is also a system that is quite capable of exploiting and taking advantage of others, for the benefit of the person or company that understands the value and worth of a particular product or process better than the other person or company. For instance, any time that one good is traded for another, and one person doing such a trade is well aware of the true value of the items being traded, yet, understands that the other person does not know or comprehend that true value, than such a trade as that, is a form of exploitation. So that, back in the day, when real beaver pelts were traded for trinkets, those that received the beaver pelts could easily grow wealthy from such trading, because they understood well the worth of these pelts, and those receiving the trinkets perhaps were happy with such, for these trinkets were not part of their culture, and there were yet plenty of beaver to catch, but in actuality, their trade was a very poor bargain.
So then, fast forward to today's world, and there are plenty of trades done through the medium of money that are fair, mainly because through experience and history, people are able to evaluate fairly well the worth of those goods being bought and sold. Yet, there are situations that are exploited every minute of every day of the week, such as people that don't truly comprehend financial interest rates, or penalties, or fees, and those that are well versed in all of these. So too, a free marketplace does tend towards real equilibrium, but in actually, governments, rules and regulations can and are "gamed" to favor one entity over the other, so that rather than their being a level playing field there is not, and rather than there being free enterprise, there is cronyism and favoritism that benefits those in the know as well as the connected, and siphons real resources and monies from those that have no influence in the matter or are ignorant of it.
This means that capitalism has a lot in common with trying to get over on the other person, in which, the more that you get over on someone, the more money or goods that you get, with the other person receiving in turn, far less, for having been outplayed. Ultimately, the end result of such capitalism is what you see today, which is a very clear and wide division, between classes of people, of which the justification of those that sit in the catbird seat, is that they earned it. Perhaps, they did earn it, maybe even fair and square in the sense that they did not compel the other to buy or trade with them, but at its heart, it is often the exploitation of others for their own selfish benefit, and the consequent suffering of others, in which the poor and exploited must carry the rich upon their shoulders, as a form of tribute
to them, and suffer the miseries of being on the wrong side of the capitalistic trade game, so that they endure it all, and those at the top, reap the benefits, believing that they do deserve their material success, when in actuality, they do deserve what will come their way in the afterlife.