The priceless treasure waiting to be discovered / by kevin murray

People spend inordinate amounts of time, just trying to keep their head above water, or having achieved such, endeavoring to get more and more, as if more is the answered to every question, though it is not.  Our spirit will always be restless till it finds repose in the only Being that will bring forth that satiation, though people will try to find that peace through all sorts of activities and through the substitution of the ownership of things, but yet in those quiet, still moments, that occur from time to time, we implicitly recognize our yearning to find to find that lasting sanctuary.


The very treasure that actuates the human soul must be a treasure that is not of this earth, for earthly things return to their origin, sooner or later, for nothing of this earth, is eternal.  This then signifies that the very thing that we have this deep desire for, must be beyond this dimension, that it must be beyond both time and space, so that it then follows that this certain thing is therefore immortal, changeless, and is the very essence of who and what we really are.


Those that do not bother to contemplate this in their minds or do not bother to even to try to search for this hidden treasure have failed at the most basic level of finding that certain lasting peace that is freely available to all.  Yet, our Creator, along with His legions of angels, wants us to find our way back to Him, for every parent wants the best for its children, and every parent wants its children to pursue diligently to find truth, justice, happiness, and love.


That is why, great gurus and great prophets periodically come amongst us, for because so many of this world are focused with their eyes cast downward upon the ground, these prophets are thereby sent forth to show us that we are indeed blind, and that only when we collectively remove the scales from our eyes, will we see correctly for the very first time, as if all before, was nothing but dull shadows and dull shapes.  For, mankind, despite all of his many glorious achievements of modern times, still does not live in this world as if in a family of brothers and sisters, but rather prefers to see life as just a more sophisticated game of the animal kingdom, where the strong and ruthless are the winners and thereby get the winner's share, and all others fight for the scraps and are thereby the losers.


Then there are those that are sort of lukewarm, for though they might pray or regularly attend religious service, their prayer is perfunctory and by rote, or though they might think of our God, such thought isn't consistent or concentrated, and thereby only in times of total desperation do they truly turn to God, but such petitions are often the petitions of a petulant child, demanding their way.  God is always available, but to find God, you must seek Him with the commitment of one that is looking for a very valuable buried treasure of which you have been gifted with a map, that at first seems confusing or even convoluted, but the more that you are determined to find God, and the more that you focus on doing so, the closer you will come to finding and to discovering that priceless eternal treasure that is the be all and end all of everything, and the fulfillment of your holy quest.