Racism and Domination / by kevin murray

America has come a long way in regards to racism, so that while slavery was once legal and orthodox, it no longer exists, and while the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court once wrote that the black man has: “no rights which the white man was bound to respect,” all sorts of laws since then have been passed, as well as critical Amendments which have been ratified to our Constitution replacing such former mindsets with a rule of law, that in theory, treats all equally and fairly.  The reality, of course, in the actuality of everyday life, demonstrates that overt racism, except in the most backward of communities and the most narrow of minds, is definitely a fringe element in America, but, unfortunately, a virulent form of "racism" has replaced it.


What has changed about racism is that today, people seldom proudly speak of being a racist, so that this type of thought has been suppressed.  Instead, what has replaced racist thoughts for specific types of people is simply racism by another name, and that name is domination.  That is to say, life has its hierarchies, and these hierarchies exist, but have branched away from a simplistic color hierarchy into something quite evil and insidious.  For instance, there are the obvious material and mindset differences between rich and poor, certain creeds versus other creeds, slim versus fat, smokers versus non-smokers, gay versus conservative straights, and so on and so forth.   Each side from these different camps, have a strong tendency to demonize the opposition, to see the other, as something less than what they are, to see them thereby as less human, and to see them as something that should and must be marginalized.


The key word then for these opposing factions is domination, and that domination is important to each group, respectively, for they want their viewpoint, to be the prevailing viewpoint of their society, especially so as to take appropriate advantage that such a favored viewpoint gets within the application of law, but so too, from a psychological or even a perverse moral standpoint, as justification that they are right, for the law and/or the power structure of that given pertinent institution supports their position.  This then, therefore allows certain specific groups and individuals within society to effectively have more rights, have more justice, to have more equality, than certain un-favored groups, so as to exploit and therefore dominate them, which for the winners of such a game, allows them to live a good life, at the expense of those at the bottom of the barrel.


It is exactly this sort of domination that governments are instituted amongst men to prevent or to preclude, for if the government plays favorites, than the words of documents such as our Declaration of Independence, or our Constitution, mean little or nothing, if in application, they are effectively ignored. Yet, even a cursory look around America, shows in this theoretically meritorious society, gross and massive inequalities in virtually everything that can be measured, of which, the words on paper speak of equality, justice, and fairness, but the actuality shows a wider and wider divide.   While theorists can posit all sorts of reasons why this is do, the most basic reason is also the most obvious, which is that there is a favored class of citizens, that this government aids and abets, to the exclusion of all others, so that by their continual successful exploitation of others, they are able to maintain their dominance over the people, which must subsist off of the ever crumbling infrastructure left specifically for them.