First Thing, Improve Yourself / by kevin murray


There does seem to be more people that want to advise others, than others that want such advice, which is either a function that there is an oversupply of wise people, or instead an oversupply of those that think they are wise.  While it is a good thing, for people that are truly competent and knowledgeable to want to pass such knowledge onto others, it is important first to take an honest assessment of your own value, of which that assessment is especially pertinent when received from people that you truly respect, people that are your contemporaries, and people that have your best interests in mind. In any event, such analysis will typically help you to become a better person and to thereby improve yourself, for those that are not in the process of growing, are at best, standing still, and at worse, regressing, for knowledge does not stop the day you stop taking educational classes, but instead ends the day that you close your mind to being a better and improved you.


The most wonderful thing about improving yourself, is that, first of all, it isn't selfish, for your improvement in character, in wisdom, and in insight, gives you the opportunity to impart such knowledge to others seeking such understanding, permitting you to become a mentor to others, to provide better guidance for others, and even if the overall quantity of people that take in your advice is few in number, even if is just one person, for that one, It is still very worthwhile.


Those that improve themselves, are following one of the most primary dictates in life, which is to be fruitful in what one does and what one accomplishes, for such fruitfulness besides benefiting one's own, benefits others, by your example and by the abundance of the myriad things so produced, often bringing forth a desire by others to emulate the type of success that you have, for people can be influenced by acts of good as well as by acts of evil, so that those that demonstrate in their life that hard, conscientious work ethic, are sowing the seeds of success for others to abide by.


One should never live a life in which one has to say, do the good of what I say, and not the evil of what I do, for when actions do not mesh with the words that you are speaking, you are a combination of hypocrisy, contradiction, confusion, and weakness, for if you really know what you should be doing, but do it not, the suffering for yourself as well as for the others that you interact with runs riot, for it is never enough to just know right, for actions do indeed make the man.


Finally, one should want to improve yourself, for the sensible reason that there is no greater joy and because there is no greater legacy than a life lived well, for if it can be said, at the end of your life, that you have made your community a better place for the things that you have done and influenced, then you have well served your fellow man, having prudently stored up eternal treasure that will never rust, nor be stolen.