Life and Death: Two sides of the very same coin / by kevin murray

In America, the celebration of newborn life is almost always a very positive occasion, with much joy and love, yet, the inevitable death of the physical, is often accompanied by much wailing and copious tears, as if somehow, death is the end of all things, but it is surely not.  We need only take a look at the flora and fauna of everyday life, to see, that life consists of a circle or a cycle, of life, death, and rebirth, again and again and again.  We should take comfort in this, as well as taking the knowledge, that a life lived well, is a life that has embraced as well as enhanced the positives of this earthly experience and hence those that depart this world under those circumstances, often do so in peace.


Within the structure of any story, a beginning must inevitably have an end, so that to be surprised by such an end or to be distraught that such an end must come, misses the point in the very first place that the temporal is not eternal and thus cannot ever be so.  On the other hand, when we acknowledge that our true self, is not physical but spiritual, we then recognize that the birth of a newborn into this world, necessitates the capturing of the spirit into its personal physical vessel, of which, some people, blinded by physical lures or urges will never be able to even acknowledge their spiritual essence, yet, recognized or not, the death of the physical is hence the release of the spiritual back into its First cause, or, it can be stated, its rebirth into what it has always been, unconstrained by earthly chains.


The peace and serenity that so many of us desire on this good earth is difficult to achieve, especially so if we are unable to comprehend that we all have been created by our selfsame Creator, who has gifted us with the opportunity to experience in the present: evil and good, redemption and forfeiture, all brought to us vividly onto the stage of this life, with each of us as its players, having our roles and parts to play.   It is thereby our highest duty to perform such in a manner that reflects well upon who and what we really are, so that having done so, we can exit the stage, knowing that we have performed admirably and thereby leaving the stage for others to ply their craft and to learn well their trade.


The mistake that so many make in what has so often become viewedor sold to us as the secular, western world, is to believe that one's existence, begins at birth, and that it then follows, that all is lost, upon one's death, which, if it was true, would certainly be the cause of much suffering and regret.  In point of fact, the physical must follow the laws of the physical as this cannot be overcome, so that in the recognition of this, it becomes incumbent upon each individual to search for the meaning of their own existence, in which they will ultimately find that serenity comes to those knowing that in the beginning, they were the Word, and this Word is immutable God, consisting of just one God and just one collective and united, eternal soul.