Most everyone fantasizes at least at some point, at being great, or at least being considered to be great by their peers and contemporaries, in which, some actively work at achieving this, whereas others do little or nothing to promote such. The ones that try to be great, have a few avenues to do so, such as working diligently at their craft so as to be the best that they can be at accomplishing their work, so that, their skills are utilized in such a manner so as to benefit well their fellow man. Then there are those that aren't necessarily great at anything in particular, but have a skill, desire, and concern that allow them to interact with others in a manner that brings out positive and beneficial attributes in those contacts, making those people, much better for such an interaction.
That said, seldom is a great man or woman, someone that sets themselves apart from the common man, in which, they live in a self-imposed category that places them above mankind, perhaps legitimately, perhaps not, in which their brilliance is evident to all, but with also the distinct impression that what they have and what they are about is not repeatable by anyone else. While it is fairly easy to appreciate such magnificence on display, if it is unobtainable by anyone else, this creates a division, between that person and everyone else, which seems to imply that great people are not the same as those that are not great.
In point of fact, the truly great people, have a burning desire to see that what they have accomplished, that what they are about, is something that is readily available and can be taught to all, that it can and should be shared so as to benefit mankind, not on the other hand, for the accolades and credit to be just directed to that one person. Greatness isn't about tribute; it's about making the world better for you having pursued your studies and applied yourself in such a manner so as to bring real benefits to those that you interact with as well as an opportunity for other people to build upon and thereby improve the same foundation that has been created.
So too, not everyone initially is cut out for greatness, for greatness is a continual process, which simply cannot be accomplished overnight, even if it appears to be an instant epiphany to some. You will recognize greatness not so much by the objective proof that is shown or demonstrated to you, but instead by the virtue of someone that is considerate, mindful, positive, encouraging, inspirational, dedicated, and devoted, so that within that interaction, you will feel invigorated into becoming a more grateful and a more complete person, yourself.
A truly great person makes you want to be the best that you can be, wants you to live up to your potential, wants to see you break away from the bad habits that have held you back, and thereby to create new habits and desires which will take you to greater places than you have previously not obtained. True greatness is a touchstone that you can come back to again and again, which re-energizes you, helps to focus you, and makes you the person that you always knew deep inside that you should actually be.