Once you're checked in you can never check out / by kevin murray

The American jurisprudence system is unfair, unjust, and systematically misguided, in its treatment of those that become caught up into the system.  Especially disconcerting, is how for those that are on the receiving end of the injustice of America, is that once the process starts, it is seemingly endless and invasive in their lives.  After all, the most basic instinct that people, especially in America have, is to be free; free in their thoughts, free in their movements, free in the things that they desire to do, yet the criminal justice system is all about controlling and molding such freedom as if every crime, no matter how trivial, or how ultimately useless in principle, is punished, re-punished, and perpetually punished as if doing so is the highest good, which it is not.


For instance, most people, have little or no desire to spend any time whatsoever in jail, or prison, and so forth, thereby when presented with the opportunity to escape such through probation, they will willingly do so, but little do they know, that probation really is as practiced in America, like having sword of Damocles above their head, 24/7, no matter how inconsequential their so-called offence was in the first place. To live under the conditions of what some people must live under in order to adhere to their probation terms, can and does mean that they are subject to:  random probation visits at their place of residence, verified continual employment, restrictions of where and when they can travel, uncompensated community service, limits on whom they can have contact with, drug testing, alcohol testing, internet access restrictions, restitution payments to victims, and payments to governmental agencies for the privilege of being allowed to be on probation.


It is one thing to setup conditions that work with the person on probation so as to help, aid, and to supervise such, but it is an entirely different thing to have so many conditions, that have been imposed, that within the rules, regulations, and technicalities, it is difficult for anyone with a real life, to not be perceived as violating some part of it, at some point, and thereby be subject to incarceration or additional penalties or both.   To make matters worse, the very people in charge of compliance for probation conditions are hardly angels, themselves, in fact, they are part of the system, in which their continual employment, their continual growth, the whole jurisprudence infrastructure, needs and demands clients, and those that violate their probation, those that have are subject to additional fines, tests, and need for more supervision, assures those doing such supervision and monitoring of such, job security at the probationer's expense, literally.


When governmental officials are in essence, giving a green light, which allows them unlimited access to a person's private life under their discretion, as well as access to that person's body for testing for substances which have little or nothing to do with the crime or the welfare of society in general, and willingly imposes monetary fines, penalties, and charges for those that are struggling to keep their heads above water in the first place, those that are under such, are their prisoners.