Of course in our more secular society, that has crowded out God and religion, and replaced it with all sorts of material substitutes, there are people that try to convince themselves every day that those things such as right or wrong, good or bad, are somewhat subjective, but in reality, they are never that. For indeed, inside each of us, innate within us, is a conscience that speaks directly to us, and as much as we would like to ignore that conscience, as much as we might like to silence that conscience through various drink or drugs and so forth, Truth can never be silenced, and it can never be defeated. This means, we know for a certainty, whether the actions that we have taken are fundamentally right or fundamentally wrong, and while there are indeed those gray areas and mitigating circumstances, the arc of justice is ever true.
Throughout each day, we are provided many opportunities to prove our worth, again and again, and day by day, so the choice of what we do is entirely ours as are its inevitable consequences, for wrong actions, when done, may often have no immediate consequences, but wrong actions, will be taken into account of who and what we really are, in addition to the fact, that wrongs done once, are far easier to do again. This signifies that a very wise person takes the time each day to reflect upon the things that they have or haven't done at the conclusion of their day, contemplating their acts of commission and of omission, so as to ascertain as to whether in the battle of good vs. evil, which side has won the day. For those though that are not capable of honest self-introspection or honest self-reflection, they must instead spend time with their mentor or similar to receive vital feedback as to their progress or lack thereof.
While there are always going to be those that ignore their activities and deeds on a given day, ignorance does not change the results of such, and ignorance is hardly befitting a man who is trying to become something of merit and of real worth. This means that it often isn't possible to become a better person without understanding foremost that this is actually your mission in life, that there are indeed just two paths to take in our material experience, one is the road taken, and the other the road not taken, to wit, if you take the wrong road you will have to battle your way to the right road while carrying the extra baggage of having been on the wrong road to begin with.
This spiritual battle of good vs. bad can be fought on many levels, because good and bad exist on all levels, and bad cannot be extricated from except when in pure communion with the God-spirit. Part of the success of bad in this battle relies on its ability to convince the material part of ourselves that all we are is physical, and to thereby subvert our attention from the fruits of the spirit, replaced instead with the needs and desires of the body. The battle that we face each day is very real; yet, those that pursue good have an overwhelming advantage, for they are in alliance with our Creator, recognizing that they have been created in His image, and therefore as His children embrace all that represents good, leaving no room at the Inn for bad.