Tobacco has been under constant assault for the last forty years or so, by governmental, medical, and private authorities as it tobacco usage in and of itself, is something akin to being in the league with the devil. This means that smoking in public has been reduced to more and more being allowed only to smoke in private spaces that are under your direct control and pretty much nowhere else. While on the one hand, tobacco has been on the constant defense for years, marijuana has made a brilliant end-around federal law and has somehow become legal in some States of the Union, even though it is still a federally controlled substance and thereby illegal under federal law, including so-called medical marijuana. The fact that the federal government has chosen, at least in recent history, not to prosecute businesses and individuals selling and inhaling State-sanctioned or State-sanctioned medical marijuana would indicate that the federal government is somewhat weary about fighting a war in which the general population basically believes that marijuana is an adult activity and should be left to adults to decide upon.
While tobacco is not marijuana, and marijuana is not tobacco, they both have the same common cause, in which, smoking substances for generations upon generations of civilizations, has always been a social activity and typically a social norm, but recent laws passed having basically turned smoking into a private affair, sort of a privilege for those having private property, but sociability is part and parcel of any sane and sensible civilization and therein lies the rub, for there resides power in numbers and while people that smoke tobacco don't necessarily smoke marijuana and vice versa, they both pretty much are in the same sort of activity, which is smoking, and really being able to smoke in private, is sort of like being only able to drink in private, which is fine if you are a straight-up alcoholic, but for most people, it isn't what you want to do in the first place. In actuality, people want to enjoy themselves, they want to be able to socialize in places of their preference, and engage in whatever activities appeal to them, which for some people, includes smoking.
Of course, there are all sorts of things which are bad for you, bad to eat, bad to drink, bad to smoke, bad to think, bad to do, and so forth, but really the role of government should be of the mind that adults are allowed to make their own decisions, because that is why God gifted us with our own mind. While it is one thing for the government to suggest what we should or shouldn't do, it's an entirely different thing when the law compels one to do this or not do that, because the government says it's bad for you.
Those that smoke marijuana should intuitively recognize that the more rights that tobacco smokers have, the more rights that marijuana smokers can aspire to, and conversely the less rights that tobacco smokers have, in all probability the less rights marijuana smokers will have access to. This means that if you are pro-marijuana you have to be pro-tobacco, and if you are pro-tobacco you have to be pro-marijuana. After all, smokers want to smoke.