Money and Debt / by kevin murray


Most people, really don't have any idea how money is created, but probably believe that money in some form or function, is generated from created goods or other things of substance, which would imply, that the more things that are made and sold, the more tasks that are done and accomplished, the more money that is generated for the wealth of people and the wealth of a nation.  People would be surprised to find out, that in actuality, most money is literally created at banks, out of nothing, except as an accounting entry on the financial books of such banks.  In other words, the money that we put so much value upon is created by the money masters out of thin air.  Sure, banks do have real deposits from real people and real institutions, that they can then utilize to loan out money from in our fractional reserve system, which basically means, for instance, that for every $1 deposited within a bank, the bank can leverage dollars that will be loan from such a deposit at ratios of 10:1, so that a $1 deposit, creates $10 to loan.  But, further to the point, banks are licensed to simply loan out money to whomever they desire to loan the money to, creating both a debt and a credit on their accounting sheets, with obviously, the caveat, that banks, must in whole, make sure that the money being created from such loans, is actually going to be paid back, or sold to another banking-type institution that takes over the responsibilities of the loan.


All of the above, basically works, when the financial markets are running smoothly, but in any system, in which both money is highly leveraged, as well as money being created to make loans to different parties of different merits, it only continues to work, if the debtors pay their debts in a basic timely manner.  When that is done, or at least papered over so that it appears that it is being done, than that is why some of the richest institutions in the world are banks and banking establishments, and when that isn't being done, or when that isn't working well, then financial institutions along with virtually every corporate or personal entity, are in danger, of a monetary meltdown.  This would indicate, that financial banking institutions, above all, care that the game continues in which loans are generated, and they, the bankers book profits, and thereby make fat salaries, because when the game ends, it ends very badly for society as a whole.


The problem with loaning out money, isn't that people and corporations don't need or desire the money, because they do, but the fact that not everybody can successfully pay the money back with its attendant interest, sometimes, it is a given, that the loans won't be paid back, which banks are okay with, as long as they have taken the steps to securitized, and neatly packaged these loans by selling them to some other institution and thereby washing their hands of it, but when banks are holding the bag themselves, and must thereby suffer the consequences of a series of bad or defaulted loans, this creates a potentially massive and cascading problem.  However, these loans are just numbers, and those numbers typically won't take down a bank, if they can be successfully papered over by issuing more loans to the same or different institutions by creating more money and thereby keeping the game going.


This means, exactly what it purports to mean, which is banks create money out of thin air, sometimes with the necessity and purpose to cover over debt that won't ever be paid back, unless massively discounted, which would  then have catastrophic consequences to the loan issuer and those investors backing those banks, therefore the banks issue even more loans in order to kick the can further down the road, yet, eventually that road dead ends,  and that money, the money that you, as an individual count on to have value, vanishes, as if it never existed.