To believe by the sword / by kevin murray

People come to faith, or not, by many means, of which while there are many that are wholly acceptable, such as through family members, religious institutions, being proselytized to, being ministered to, through media, through books, through the internet, through one's own mediation and contemplation, and so forth, and it must be said that each of these ways has their place.  Then there are those that must submit not out of obedience to a higher and justified power, but literally to the sword, that they must believe, or profess to believe in a particular doctrine or faith, or instead suffer the catastrophic consequences for their unbelief, failure to believe, or apostasy.


Not too surprisingly, when you force someone to believe what you desire them to believe, this is in a most fundamental way, is an assertion that your viewpoint, your faith, supersedes another person's free will, and freedom of their exercise of religious faith, or non-desire, if that be their wont.  No doubt, when a given person is up against death, torture, second-class citizenship, slavery, lost of employment, lost of their home, they may well gravitate to accepting a faith that is not theirs, and even possibly, over a period of time, become a believer, and certainly, given enough time, if not them in particular, it is highly possible that future generations of theirs may well become true believers.  In any event, forcing this type of submission from conquered peoples, or defenseless peoples, perhaps from a quota perspective, if nothing else, may work in the short term, and it very well might work in the long term, so a possible conclusion could be that forcing people to believe does actually accomplish something.


The problem, though, with this type of bullying, is that any person, any organization, anyone, that professes to be the agent of the one God, has best have the true attributes of such a prophet, or they are an imposter and a bastardization of what our God actually represents.  For instance, a careful reading of the new covenant, the New Testament, indicates that our Messiah forced none to follow Him, forced none to even believe Him, in fact, Jesus didn't come to start a new religion, or even a new faith, but came as fulfillment to God's promised covenant with his people, in which this new covenant was meant to embrace everyone, and to thereby embrace all as equally chosen and called by God to be His flock. 


Our Messiah most definitely desired you to fight, but not to draw the sword and to strike others, even in a justified defense of an unjustified arrest, but to fight against your own sin, to fight against your own selfishness, to fight against your own pride, to fight against your own lust, to fight against your own money, so that you, finally could see that all that you had previously believed in, was the deceit of a man as if blind.  Our Lord desired all to wake up, and recognize as if for the first time, that this world full of trials and tribulations, has these problems, because man's heart has turned away from the goodness of God, in the false belief that man knows all, because he can think and do.  It is man's selfishness that makes him to believe that he is right, that those that don't believe the same way are wrong, and thereby, because one side is physically stronger than the other, it has the right to strike the other side down. 


A house divided against itself cannot stand, as there is only one true God, He is the same God for all, and this God most surely does not need anyone, to take His name in vain, and thereby dictate to others, as if they speak for Him.  God is unerring, man is not, so put down the sword, for the pathway to God is not drawn by the sword, it is, instead, drawn only by the fact that all rivers, no matter their meandering ways, ultimately will lead to just one body of water.