The rich are different than you and I, and the very rich are strikingly different from everyone else. For instance, those that are extremely wealthy, live lives that most of us are unable to comprehend or even really fathom, be it, the size of their toys, the size of their houses, the fact, that they actually have a winter home or a summer getaway, how they travel, where they eat, the organizations and institutions that they belong to, the schools that they and their children attend, the labor help that they utilized, the people that they congregate with, and so on and so forth.
Be that as it may, it isn't any real surprise that the rich are different, however, it is most unfortunate, that the rich champion causes that in their effect and in their principles, they well know that their personal risk is minuscule because these causes will never actually impact their lives in any meaningful way, form, or function. For example, there are those that pound the table for equality for all, for affirmative action, for equal justice and equal accommodation, civil rights, fair taxation, and all sorts of things that sound very liberal minded and actually are. The problem is, that these super rich elites demanding change and fairness, recognize, that whatever comes what may, sure in heck, isn't going to affect them in where and how they conduct their own personal lives.
That is to say, when you live in a gated community in which there are cameras and security to track everyone coming and going within that neighborhood, you certainly aren't going to get much property crime, whatsoever. When you are part of a particular social milieu, you aren't ever going to be stopped and frisked, and you know it. Further, if the police ever do stop you, after verifying your identity, they will apologize for the inconvenience, and pertinently, those very rich elites can certainly count on police officers and justice in particular, no matter what the law says, serving and protecting them.
Further, the schools that your children attend are schools that only accept children of like circumstances and consequently there will never be any trouble at these schools, in fact, these schools will reap the benefits of special privileges. The restaurants that you frequent, and social events that you attend, while ostensibly being open to the public, are, in fact, really open only to those that have the monetary or historical invitation to actually attend.
All of the above, would indicate, that when the rich advocate for the poor and disadvantaged, the rich know that on any given day, they won't be inconvenienced whatsoever by whatever policies are passed, or put into place, because those unfortunate people simply don't exist in the orbits of the very rich. The rich are all for helping the oppressed, preferably with the other people's or the government's money, with the implicit understanding that all is well, just as long as the masses do not infringe upon their social spaces.
The bottom line is that equality, equality of opportunity, color and creed blindness, and things of that sort, are all championed by the very rich, because they know that "those people" will never tread upon them, and well, it sounds good, and makes the very rich feel good for having said it.