Cookie-Cutter Men / by kevin murray

The more modern that society gets, the more that governments and institutions take away and encroach upon our inalienable self-will and self-determination, and replace these most fundamental things with all sorts of meandering laws, rules, and regulations, so that society and economies can be managed, as if those that come up with these things, are wizards that know what is best for all, or at least act the part as if they know.


The problem with governments attempting to manage and to solve the individual puzzles of life, is that it then follows that governments and institutions thereby believe that if only the people cede their individual inclinations and desires into the "greater good" of the whole, than all will be happier and much more satisfied, but that theory holds no water in actuality.  Even worse, in practicality, people more and more aren't even given the option to opt-in or opt-out, as the poorest and most vulnerable in societies are now being managed as if they were mere cattle, so that as long as they fill out all these various forms correctly, keep out of the way of the law, do take these legally prescribed state-controlled medications, but not these other non-state sanctified drugs, while also allowing all of their private business to be managed, smoothed, and manipulated by state agencies, than they will be "given" food, shelter, and healthcare


Governmental agencies refuse to believe that societies can run themselves without their overriding and overbearing "assistance", signifying that the government and its affiliated institutions know best what you should or shouldn't be doing, and thereby whole edifices are created and affected amongst the people to demonstrate this mistaken fact.  In actuality, the best government is not only the one that governs least, but the one that makes it its point of purpose, to take the playing field of life, and level it in a way, that all are given a fair opportunity to be the best that they can be, rather than the law and its affiliated institutions favoring a few against the many.


There are plenty of governments that are bad for the people, to wit, most of those very bad governments recognize it implicitly and eventually collapse because those running such governments don’t have enough "true" believers to keep it running in perpetuity.  Then there are the governments and institutions of the western world, today, in which they believe that because they are so much smarter, so much more sophisticated than all that has existed in the past, utilizing their tools which have the most up-to-date analytics, and all their brilliance, that in short order, all will work well like a well-oiled machine.  These "true" believers are the absolute worse, because they believe implicitly in their own hype, and thereby when their planning and micro-management fails again and again, they attribute it to the machine that just needs another little tweak here or there, never once recognizing that no matter how much planning and arranging and re-arranging that they do, it will never work, and it will never be fair to the people.


Governments that insist that they know the song within each person's heart, have it totally wrong.  The person that knows their song within their heart is that individual, himself, and legitimate governments are instituted amongst men, so as to best give the opportunity for people, to develop and to sing their own song, so that together, there will be created the greatest harmony ever known to mankind.