The federal government of the United States does not even try to balance its budget, of which, this continual overhang of excessive debt is placed upon the shoulders of the youngest generation, and if this country can somehow sustain this financial game, its deficit will be passed onto future generations to come. That said, we know that the federal government has given up, by just looking at the massive deficits it manifested in the 21st century, in which, in the years 2009-2012, this irresponsible government ran deficits exceeding $1 trillion dollars in each of these respective years, and for 2016 ran a deficit of $587 billion dollars.
Today, in this world, there is only one superpower, in which you would think that superpower would be able to reap the benefits of being in that enviable position. Instead, America which is not at a Congressional declared war with anyone or anything, although it manufactures war with terrorism, and meddles again and again, especially in the Middle East, somehow is always at war. The amount of monies dedicated in this country to the military-industrial complex is essentially monies wasted and wrested away from the babes of this country, which is truly a crime against humanity.
This government again and again, has not the intellectual honesty, nor the candor, nor the character, to get its fiscal house in order, in which, it doesn't get any more basic than the recognition that in order to balance a budget, it must both spend less, and tax more. It would be one thing if America was in the most severe of circumstances that challenged its ability to even exist as a united nation, but all the wars and engagements by America since World War II, have been by design or in obeisance to the military-industrial complex, and not for the security or for the betterment of this great nation. So too, pundits will state that the government must always step in to help those banking institutions that are "too big to fail", or for fiscal stimulus, or for various other reasons, in which, there is never acknowledged that monetary problems are created by poor governance, poor decisions, and corrupt institutions that game the system to benefit themselves, and when the die turns, placesthe burden of their inevitable failure onto governmental shoulders, who then pass it directly on to future generations.
Every time that the government kicks the can down the road, recognize, that the longer it goes on, the longer that it continues, the worse it will be for those that must deal directly with a collapsed fiscal house. Every time that the government does not balance its budget in any given year, that deficit, along with the monetary interest that must be paid to our monetary masters, increases, in which, some day at some point, it must be paid or our fiscal house will collapse. Every time that this country runs a deficit, those that aren't paying their fair share or are benefiting by receiving goods from the government, or being subsidized by the government, that those beneficiaries are stealing from future generations.
This government believes that it is right to wrest the bread, the opportunity, and the future, from those of the youngest generation to serve their ever present, insatiable lust for the things that they desire without making the sacrifice or putting forth the effort to get these things, legitimately.