You cannot crucify the Christ / by kevin murray

Just about everyone is familiar with the general story of Jesus the Christ and his physical death by crucifixion, followed by his resurrection, but whether they are believers or not, many, many people miss the most basic point in regards to the death of Christ, by mistakenly equating the physical body as the complete representation of Christ.     This then creates a situation in which some historians as well as religious doubters or critics, try to respond to what appears to be physically impossible, that is, the resurrection of a dead body, by theorizing that Christ felled into a swoon and was later revived, or somehow was able to trick the Romans into believing that he was dead, when he was not, and subsequently was rescued by his followers, and so forth, to which none of these theories hold any water whatsoever.  The fact of the matter is, the Romans were masters of crucifixion, they were proficient and quite lethal at it, in addition to the fact, that only because crucifixion is not part of modern day's lexicon in the manner that criminals are executed, could it even be conceivable that anyone would believe, that a man with nails driven through both his hands and feet could survive it, especially while having been previously badly scourged and fatigued, all this in front of public witnesses, and somehow still fool the Roman soldiers who verified Christ's death by piercing his side with a spear.  In point of fact, the Romans crucified Christ and His body did not survive it.


Of course, the second part of the story, that Jesus the Christ, was able to resurrect himself while in Joseph of Arimathea's tomb is the part that makes all sorts of critics, have to come up with all sorts of dubious theories, because everyone knows that a dead body cannot come back to life.  The thing is, though, that Jesus did, in fact, resurrect Himself, because Jesus the soul, immortal, could not ever be killed.  Additionally, the ministry of the Christ presaged His own resurrection, by demonstrating as written in the Bible, that He had the power to resurrect from death to physical life, having accomplished this for the widow's son at Nain, Jairus' daughter, as well as Lazarus.


This means that no matter how Jesus the Christ was put to death, in whatever age, through all the means at man's disposal and violent disposition, from beheading, to being drawn and quartered, shot, burnt, with ashes scattered to the winds, in each and every occurrence, Christ would rise again.  The very basic point that people are missing is that Christ is not the body; Christ is the immortal soul that is housed within the body as long as that body can properly serve Christ.  Man mistakenly believes that all is physical and all must therefore obey physical laws, but there is a dimension beyond the physical, to which those laws do not and cannot apply and it is this dimension to which the Christ came from, and it is this dimension that cannot ever be annihilated, although for the most part, per man's volition, it can be ignored.


What man needs to understand is that if one thousand times you crucify Christ, one thousand times He will resurrect Himself, and you, man, Rome, America, the world, cannot stop it, apparently can't explain it, and often misunderstand it.  Christ is not the body; He is the soul that cannot be destroyed, because it is the power beyond all power, because it is the love beyond all love, because it is one with He who is the One.   The message of the Christ comes in many, many forms: through our intuition, through great men of wisdom, through prophets, through quiet contemplation and meditation, through the innocence of little children, and it is here right now, it has always been here, and it will never leave. 


Too often man shuts his eyes, closes his mind, and holds his hands over his ears, all for naught.  The kingdom of God is within you, you only need to sincerely seek, stay still, and you will find the Christ within.