While we might wish that each and every day of our life is full of bliss, life doesn't actually work that way. For each of us, there will come to us, various challenges, that must be met and if we have the right mindset or wherewithal we will either overcome them or adjust to them. There are many, many people that question why there is pain and suffering and hurt in this world, especially when presupposing that there is an all powerful and all loving God. That question is easy to answer, as if we are automatons, this does indeed make no sense, but if we are gifted with free will than the world that we live in, is the world of good and bad, darkness and light, selfishness and selflessness, for these are the things that we bring with us into our material incarnation, and because of this conflict, there will invariably be pain and suffering.
So too the question must be asked, when is it, if ever, that we truly get down on our knees and cry out from the very depths of our soul to God above? Is it when everything is going right, that we beseech God? Is it when life is beautiful and we enjoy the wonders of this world? Perhaps it is when we have our first child or some other momentous event. While it is true, that when times are good for us, that we may very well honor our Father, the intensity of that emotion will be something less than our upmost. The truth of the matter is, that our love for our Creator, should have the same intensity of a man who is desperate for air, or water, or of life itself, because it is only at that point that we truly recognize that we are not masters of our fate, that we are not the originators of this world, that we are not all powerful, omniscient, or invincible.
While there are many reasons for suffering, depending upon a whole slew of factors and conditions, one of the primary reasons for any suffering or pain, is to re-focus us on recognizing that we are not here alone, but are, in fact, children of the most High God. If you were to picture yourself as separate from your mother and father, perhaps living in another city, with your own career, responsibilities, and family, you may have contact with your mother and father via phone or other means, from time-to-time, even daily, but you would seldom be in their presence, except perhaps for holidays or other special family events. This would be your routine, and there wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with it from your perspective, but should something tragic happen in your life or theirs, this unwelcomed event would often drive you back into the fold, not so much because bad events, bring us together, but because bad events vividly remind us of how fragile life is, and help to re-prioritize for us as what is or is not of real meaning and importance within our life.
If there was no suffering, few of us, would find that compelling reason to wish beyond all wishes for union again with God. God does not want us to suffer, yet subconsciously there often is a need for those unwelcomed thorns in our flesh, to help prick our conscience that what we are truly after is not of this world, but a dimension beyond us, eternal, one in which there is neither heartbreak nor suffering, but only the infinite goodness and love of our Creator.