Welfare Benefits and Labor / by kevin murray

 In 2 Thessalonians 3:10 we read: "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."  It certainly makes sense that all should contribute in their own way for the benefit of themselves and as members of a given community, and while some may be limited in their contributions by virtue of their age, their health, their mind, and other pertinent considerations, most everyone in some sort of way can provide some contribution to the whole.  In America, aid for the poor and indigent is provided via church organizations and other organized aid facilities akin to it, along with this aid being supplemented or replaced by various governmental welfare agencies.


In regards to churches and the like, the aid that they receive comes from the donations of their constituents, which is primarily voluntary and without compulsion.  However, for various governmental facilities welfare support is provided by compulsory taxation, of which some of that taxation is from the current generation, but yet a significant portion of that relief is provided by future generations that are stuck with paying for the relief and aid of the current poor and indigent, that is passed to them by virtue of the deficit that our federal government runs on a seemingly continuous basis.


America is quite generous in providing welfare benefits for all, including apparently those that are quite capable of contributing to the good of our nation but for whatever reason choose not to do so.  For instance, in any nation or community of substance charitable welfare must be provided for the truly indigent and weak, such as the feeble elderly, the helpless newborns, as well as others that are handicapped to such an extent that they aren't able to provide for themselves without aid.  On the other hand, there are many people that physically and mentally are fine, or at least are capable of being fine, but for whatever reason, aren't willing to apply themselves to work whatsoever for various reasons, some legit, and some most definitely not.


The thing about welfare benefits and aid is that these provisions are not provided out of thin air, instead they are in essence provided by other productive individuals to which, some recipients of said benefits are merely milking the system to their benefit.  This signifies that the government has an obligation to good tax payers to make it their mission policy that those that are desirous of the State providing them with foundational aid in the form of shelter, food, and money, or its equivalencies must also make sure that individuals that are capable of contributing to their community in whatever way, provide a reciprocal service to the State at some minimal level.


If you look around this country, and around your community, there are always things that need improvement or to be repaired or people that need comfort or attention, to which those that desire benefits from the State must do their part in order to serve their community.  The provision of welfare benefits should be carefully monitored for many good and valid reasons, as the more benefits that are handed out as aid to which the government demands nothing in return, or attempts to get nothing back, the more nothing that will be received, and thereby the more corresponding burden that will be placed upon the shoulders of those that are productive, subsidizing in effect those that will not work, have no intention of working, and in effect, supporting the failure of those that will not even try or be held accountable for their lack of labor in any of its myriad forms.