There are considered to be five races globally which are: white (Caucasian), black (African-American), brown (Latin American), red (Native American), and yellow (Asian). In today's society you can choose to identify yourself using one of these or similar categories, or if desired, select that you are mixed. Whether racial classifications should even matter, or be tracked by the government or other State agencies is debatable but it's done as a matter of policy.
The history of America from the time of its colonization has demonstrated conclusively that race matters, and that the favored race is quite clearly white. Every other race in America has been suppressed, exploited, discriminated against, and so forth, through force, extralegal means and also quite frequently through the justice system itself. This racial preference for whites and oppression of all non-whites has been systemic throughout most of America, although within certain religious groups, and communities, there has been historic accommodation.
That said, America has made enormous progress over the last fifty-odd years to being what it proclaimed it always wanted to be, which is a true melting pot for all, the golden door of freedom and justice; however despite these great strides, study after study demonstrates that America is still a nation that is unequal and unfair especially to many minorities.
Imagine that one evening, a strange dream comes to you, or at least you believe it is a dream, in which a genie enters your room, but before you can even contemplate making your three wishes, the genie makes sure to tell you that he isn't that type of genie, that instead he is a racial genie, and simply states that he can change your race, if you so desire. To make it more enticing for you, the genie quickly creates four holograms of the races that you could be, to which you find that just by looking at one, you discover that your mind and body melds completely into this hologram and you become that race and that person, in a manner, that feels so real, that it just has to be real.
While in this body of a different race, you realize as you take on each of them one by one, that many scenes begin to formulate within your mind, as you picture yourself, for instance, as this different person, in an argument at a retail store, or being stopped and questioned by a policeman late at night, or at an interview for college admission, or for a job, or for a promotion, or for a pay raise, or in a negotiation to purchase a home, or looking at your future children, and so forth. The scenes dance and play within your mind and you remember and are able to recall everything, about how you felt, your fear, your confidence, and your interactions throughout.
Then it all comes to an end and the genie looks at you and asks you whether you wish to make that racial change, and if so, which one, or whether you prefer to just stand pat with what you have. The genie makes sure that you understand that this change is permanent and that it cannot be undone, and as a side note he mentions that he is in a bit of a hurry.
Perhaps the decision you make is easy, perhaps not; perhaps the whole game just seems annoying, but whatever it is, it's probably a mistake to feel that your decision, whatever it is, won't make a difference in your life, cause in almost all instances, it most certainly will.