The Super Bowl should be played on a Saturday / by kevin murray

During the regular NFL football season, NFL games are typically played on Sundays, although there is usually one game played on Thursday, as well as on Monday.  The reason that the NFL is played on Sunday, comes down to the fact that Fridays are set aside for High school football, and Saturdays are set aside for Collegiate football, leaving Sundays to the professionals.  It is not until the playoffs that any Saturday games are played, to which half of the Wild Card and Divisional Round games are held on Saturday, with the other half being played on Sunday.  For the Conference championship and for the Super Bowl those games are held on Sunday.


There are many people that believe that if it isn't broken, then there isn't any reason to fix it, and as the Super Bowl is consistently the event of the entire year, there seems little point to fix something that doesn't next fixing.  Yet, if television wants to have even bigger and higher ratings, than it would behoove the NFL to move the game to Saturday, as opposed to Sunday.  The advantages of a Saturday Super Bowl are massive as Sunday is the day that the fewest amount of Americans have commitments to work, thereby signifying that they can devote more time and energy to their usage of the free time on a Saturday, recognizing that on Sunday that they can still recuperate.  As it is, nearly 150 million people live in the Eastern Time Zone, and presently the Super Bowl game does not reach its conclusion till after 10PM EST, on Sunday, an evening to which most everyone will have obligations to go to work or to school on Monday. 


In addition, just because the Super Bowl ends, doesn't mean that the party is or should be over, as there are always going to be plenty of people that still want to talk, discuss, argue, or enjoy themselves, and perhaps need some time to settle down to that quietude that is necessary for a good night's sleep.

None of this would be a bother, if the game was held on Saturday, in addition, the game time could be moved to a little bit later in the evening so that more of the game would be seen in prime time on the West Coast.  All of this combined would bring even higher TV ratings, and hence more people that could enjoy the full panorama of the Super Bowl experience, with time to recover from such, on Sunday.


Also, all of the high powered business executives that must be at the Super Bowl proper in order to conduct and to glad-hand clients, would be far more appreciative of a Saturday game time, as this would allow them to resume their usual business schedules on Monday, with far less wear and tear.  All of the above, points to the sensible thing which is to move the Super Bowl from the Sunday time frame to Saturday, which would increase viewership here and abroad, increase advertising dollars, and make for the best super experience ever