The Men that would be god / by kevin murray

The more that scientific and technology advances and the more that mankind achieves; the more that certain scientists believe that they are discovering the origin of, or at least the understanding of, life itself.  This means for the layman that believes and the esteemed scientist that understands or knows how to manipulate life, that this fundamental understanding of the origin of life, this particular knowledge, pretty much somehow aggrandizes the powers of life to mankind, and therefore it follows that mankind is through his own knowledge and efforts, now a god, master or near master of life and death.


All throughout history certain figures have believe that they are god or its equivalence, the main difference today, though, is that those that believe themselves to be godlike, or that mankind is the highest form of life, have increased in numbers substantially because the more that man knows about the physical body, the brain, the molecules, the atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons and so forth, the more that man is absolutely convinced that he is the real life incarnation of Dr. Frankenstein, only rather than starting with the various pieces and parts of corpses, he starts instead with an embryo, and unlike the fictional Dr. Frankenstein, this embryo is real, its genome can be altered, and when successfully done, will ultimately create a real human baby from virtually nothing.


This mastery or near mastery of human reproduction is absolutely remarkable, and the advances in science will undoubtedly continue over the foreseeable future, and for those that believe the physical form is all that there is, there really isn't anything more to say.  The fact is, the greater that man's powers and understanding are, the more responsibility that he has to his fellow man to use this wisdom correctly, because great powers used for selfish and evil reasons, will ultimately have devastating effects upon all and this is this misery that mankind lives through again and again and again.


When mankind incorrectly believes that he is all, that he is all knowing, infallible and the like, the only possible result for this hubris is a disaster of epic proportions.  God has gifted us with free will, but for all this free will, is the world that we live in is it: fair? Just? Equal? Paradise?  It is none of these things, although it could be all of these things if mankind recognized once and for all, that: "There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God…" (Psalm 46:4).


There is something to be said about living the simple life, by just doing the things day by day, that are beneficial for yourself as well as your family and community and not worrying about the big political picture, or the government, or science, but just being about your business and in your efforts and in your actions making the world better for you having been here.  These people are most definitely the salt of the earth and the Kingdom of God are filled with them.  Then there are those that push the envelope in all sorts of endeavors, this too can be wonderful, look, for instance at the mightiness and influence of America, but recognize that without careful prudence and humility that this can become all vanity and with this great vanity comes a very great fall.