Any good parent wants for their child to have a better life, which usually means that their child needs a good educational foundation, to which, even a cursory look at our schooling situation, indicates that there is a great inequality in the public schools even just a few miles apart. The fact that our public school system has such a wide variety displayed in school performance and quality is not surprising, considering that the land of the free and the home of the brave, had as its legal policy for decades, that it was not discriminatory to have public schools that were separate but equal, when in fact although quite separate they have never been equal and that clearly certain public school systems had and continue to have higher budgets, better facilities, better teachers, and produce better educational achievements from their students.
Today, public schools are clearly still uneven and unequal in their budgets and in their student safety and educational performance, so that anybody with even a hint of investigation or knowledge, knows for a certainty that certain schools are very much desired whereas other schools are very much to be avoided. It then follows somewhat naturally, that certain motivated parents have a strong desire to want to see that their children have an opportunity to go to a school that will be more beneficial and helpful for their children, and this urge in itself, is a good thing. This strong desire to provide their children a fair opportunity to shine in this increasingly competitive world is therefore wise as the flip side for those that do not achieve academic success is to discover that the doors of opportunity for the less educated are utterly bleak.
Unfortunately, In order for a given child to go to a school outside their given designated school district area, parents will in one form or another, often have to be either deceptive, creative, or outright lie, in regards to their living situation and in particular, their location. This means that these parents are subject to massive fines, for theft of services, that is the non-payment of property taxes for the education of their children in that school district, and/or jail time for first degree larceny or similar. Perhaps that is the way it should be, that those that try to cheat the system, should pay the fine and/or serve the time for doing so. However, the mitigating circumstances are that the parents in virtually every case are simply trying to allow their children the opportunity to receive a first class education from a first class country.
The fact of the matter is that the courts and America have failed far too many people that are thereby trapped into a vicious cycle of poverty and failure, which is exacerbated by inadequate school systems which are far inferior and far more dangerous than neighboring ones, that they are precluded from attending because of district lines deliberately structured historically so as to purposely exclude certain people. In addition, the arm of the law in these situations, almost always targets those that are treated as undesirable because of the color of their skin, or their creed, so that again and again and again these people are targeted to be investigated whereas other people of the preferred color and preferred creed, are not investigated or targeted.
This is law unequally applied in addition to the endless punishing of those that are poor for the crime of being poor and the punishment of their children for having the imprudence of being born into the wrong family on the wrong side of the tracks.