Child Support and Suspension of Your Driver's License / by kevin murray

Every State of the union has laws on the book that enables the State to suspend your driving privileges if you fail to stay current within a certain time span and monetary amount on your child support payments.  Further, adding fuel to the fire, many States have additional laws that will suspend occupational licenses, professional licenses, or even recreational licenses for non-payment of child support.  While, in every case to which you may be subject to a suspension there is a path to preclude this from happening, by virtue of getting your child support payments back to non-delinquency and/or successfully responding in time to court summons, petitions, orders, and so forth, none of this should ever have been made law in the first place.


In every single case, to which a non-payer of child support is subject to their driver's license being suspended, or even worse their professional license (e.g. CPA) being suspended, exactly none of these suspensions will be conducive to aiding the delinquent child support payer, in having the capacity to make their payments get current. In fact, this unnecessary harassment, will in effect, add unnecessary expense along with inconvenience, with the distinct possibility of all this ultimately leading to bankruptcy, personal depression, domestic violence, or jail time to someone that falls behind on their child support payments who often doesn't readily understand the nuances of the law and doesn't have their life together in the first place.


The suspension of any State issued license for the non-payment of child support, is wrong in all of its many aspects and does nothing to help or aid in the underlying problem of delinquency to begin with.  In point of fact, all the items needed to collect on delinquent child support payments are already available for those pursuing those payments by virtue that those that owe child support are subject to: wage garnishment, income tax interception, and liens. 


While it may be frustrating and upsetting not to receive timely child support payments, the means to collect on these payments, should be solely limited to extracting wages, tax intercepts, or asset liens, and nothing further.  The fact that the State has on its books to suspend a driver's license or any other license for the non-payment of child support is both punitive and counter-productive to the very problem at hand.


In whole, child support payments should never be seen or treated as a means of punishing one parent to the benefit of the other.  In actuality, child support payments are supposed to be for the benefit of the child, and that should be the court's main concern, not punishment, not license suspension or revocation, and certainly not jail time.  


In short, these current State laws need to be overturned as they are an unnecessary State intrusion into a domestic dispute that already has the necessary means to see that the process for payment of child support is set up in such a manner so as to collect the monies due.  There is no good reason for any further State induced heavy-handed involvement.