The Hypocrisy of Gun Control / by kevin murray

Every time that there are shootings of defenseless movie goers, or students, or church goers, or a health care clinic and so forth there is almost an endless hue and cry from certain media outlets and politicians decrying the easy availability and the inappropriate use of firearms throughout America.  While on a certain level, these critics have extremely valuable points; their reasoned answer always seems to revolve around de-arming everyone except authorized governmental servants.  This might make sense, if you believe that the defense of your family, of yourself, and of your community, should be outsourced to governmental authorities which in theory, have your best and the communities' best interest in mind, and somehow, no matter the circumstances of such, will always be there to defend such, in a blink of an eye.  Unfortunately, in reality, the cavalry is often too late to the scene, except to collect the carnage from these sorts of regrettable events.


The biggest flaw in all of this cry for gun control isn't so much that governmental authorities don't have the ability or wherewithal to collect all the current weapons on the streets and in citizen's homes, nor has it much to do with Constitutional concerns about upstaging the Second Amendment, as the Supreme Court has demonstrated time and time again, that the Constitution isn't a document to pay any homage to, but instead has everything to do as to why America is the biggest and baddest nation in the world, bar none. The fact of the matter is, that the world marches to America's beat, because America is the most awesome military power that the world has ever had to contend with, and the reason that this is so, is not just because of our technology, our personnel, our training, our experience, our logistics, and so forth, but most importantly because any country with any sensibility whatsoever fears our massive and destructive firepower.  Additionally to that, and in particular in regards to domestic affairs, there is no police force in the world, that is more militarized then the United States police agencies throughout all the major cities of this country as well as many that are far smaller. 


This means, that both our military as well as our domestic police force, recognized that an agency that is well trained, well armed, and knows how to use those arms is an agency that is virtually impossible for anyone or any group of people to contend with or overcome, if even for a brief period of time.  It then follows, if all that firepower as well as the logistics and equipment that are behind that firepower are so good for the security of our nation overseas as well as domestically, than why would any citizen of any sensibility, willingly concede his right to arms, since the military and police are prime examples of departments that recognize that with the power and usage of firearms, comes control and protection.


The question that should be in any good American citizen's mind is why is it that your normal, everyday policeman carries an incredibly lethal firearm, as well as other instruments of violence, routinely upon his body, unless that officer believes that peace, security, protection, and service, comes from the very barrel of a gun.  Since none of us have our own personal policeman on our premises, unless we are actually a law officer, than it would seem reasonable to assume, that at a minimum, we should emulate those that are here to protect and serve us, by having and using the same.