There are three Abrahamic faiths which are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to which they have many things in common, of which the most important is their belief in monotheism, or one God. While each of these religions historically have suffered persecution, today the religion that suffers the most persecution from western nations is Islam, to which, for some people, politicians, or even governmental agencies there is a belief that to be Islamic in your faith, somehow means that you are guilty of something or an undesirable as a person.
Although there are some significant sayings that can be identified in the Quran to which they can be interpreted as advocating violence against certain other people, such as infidels, so too there are sayings within the Torah and within the New Testament which are guilty of similar criticisms. As it has been said, by Shakespeare no less, the devil himself can cite scripture for his own purpose, so too can those of certain faiths take passages out of context, or misinterpret, or construct in such a manner, so as to advocate violence or other evil acts against other faiths and peoples. This should not mean that all should be guilty for the crimes of a few, but it does mean that those that advocate or perpetrate violence against the innocent should be held accountable for their actions, and never be allowed to hide under the color of their religion for having done so.
The faith of Islam has its own points and emphasis which while often in sync with the other great Abrahamic faiths, differs in its own way. For instance, Islam does not permit usury, or the charging of monetary interest on loans, probably because it benefits the few, as in those that have the capital to begin with, at the expense and exploitation of the many, to which the lender essentially makes money from money without having to put forth any labor for it. The ill effect of charging interest for loans can be demonstratively seen by virtue of the fact that amongst the biggest and most powerful institutions in the world are banks and financial institutions, while often have power and wealth that influences strongly the policy of nation-states, while the mass of population struggles in their day-to-day existence.
Then too there is the Islamic prohibition of the consuming of alcohol, to which, it can be said that there is no drug that is more prevalent and more destructive in its nefarious effects upon family structures, upon the physical body, upon the mind and right decision making, than alcohol in all of its many forms. The Islamic faith is likewise against gambling and games of chance, which is an activity that encourages people to believe that the road to riches is paved through the throw of the die, rather than by honest hard work and labor.
Additionally, the Islamic faith believes strongly that pre-marital sex is a grievous sin because the parties that have joined together in carnal knowledge have not done so as sanctioned by a marital bond, but instead has decided that their physical pleasure should supersede their devotion to God and that thereby the physical should be superior to the spiritual.
To be Islamic means that there is a call to prayer five times a day, and so too that there is an obligation to fast during the time of Ramadan, to which all of these are demonstrative proof that "there is no God but God" and that thereby the subjects recognize His sovereignty and his governance over their affairs, by humbling themselves to He who gave them life.
It can be said that true practitioners of the Islamic faith bring honor to their country, to themselves, and to their family, by submission of their free will to God.