Each person should be sovereign over their own self, which would include not only our physical body but also our mind, yet in many ways today we are not sovereign over ourselves, as this sovereignty has been wrongfully taken by the State, other government authorities, family members, or possibly even our employers. The most important document in all of American history, is the Declaration of Independence, which makes it very clear that each of us, by our birth, by our humanity, by our Creator, have inalienable rights, and that amongst these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The purpose of government, the purpose of society, the purpose of family, is for the opportunity for sovereign individuals to band together, so as to secure these rights, and that these entities that are joined together are instituted amongst man, deriving their just powers from the consent of those so governed by them, and further whenever any form of governmental or alliances in general become destructive of these ends, the people, as well as specifically individuals has the right to alter or to abolish them.
Unfortunately, in America, we have come a long way from these noble sentiments and now live in a country to which our individual sovereignty is under assault each and every day, on virtually every level that one can think of. Not only are our powers to basic movement and the decisions that we make, subject to all sorts of arbitrary law, this present government in conjunction with certain favored industries, subject us to endless propaganda that are in direct opposition to the very principles of the founding of this great nation.
While it certainly makes sense when bands of people group together, that a rule of law be created, that rule of law itself must be impartial, fair, just, and sensible, and in sympathy with individual sovereignty. It is not for the government to take upon itself, to be dictator of what we can or cannot do as sentient beings with our own mind and body. It is one thing entirely to create laws that arbitrate between what one person has done to another, but it is an entirely different thing to create laws that punish what one person does, advocates, or does not do to himself.
While the State and the people should have an interest in you as an individual, that interest cannot and should not extend to punishing you for acts against yourself, that others somehow have determined to be worthy of some sort of punishment. An individual, any individual should be entitled to do whatever that they want to do with their own body and mind, as that is part and parcel of having inalienable rights to begin with and as long as in so doing, they are not interfering with another person's sovereignty over their own bodies and minds or violating the property of others, they should be left free to choose the actions that please them.
The main issue that is far too common in today's society, is the overreach generated by so many people and governmental agencies; while it is true that on the one hand we are our brother's keeper, that duty is based on the love of one's neighbor and not aggrandizing to ourselves the right to punish those for whom we disagree with in regards to their doing and believing.