Even though the law of the land signifies that abortion is legal under certain terms and conditions throughout America -- a woman's right to choose as to whether to abort her fetus is something that is still both vociferously debated as well as being a highly emotional and moral issue. The ramifications of abortion of demand is fraught with medical controversy, as it is possible that the same medical doctor that you attend to for the birth of a given newborn child, is also the same medical doctor that performs abortions, to which, there is an inherent moral and professional conflict between these two distinct activities, to which one is about the celebration of newborn life, while the other is about the premeditated taking of life.
Of course, for a female to even consider having an abortion in the first place, that female must be pregnant, yet, despite the fact that never in history has there been so many ways to prevent pregnancy such as through options as in birth control pills, IUDs, injections, condoms and so forth, there are around one million abortions performed in America each year, to which it is surmised that very few woman having abortions, actually desired to be placed into the unenviable position of aborting their own fetus to begin with. This would strongly imply that because abortions are legally available for females, that logical and straightforward steps to prevent an unintended pregnancy are forsaken, perhaps under the mistaken notion that pregnancy is always something that happens to the other female, not you.
A pregnancy occurs when upon conception an embryo is created within the woman's womb, which later gestates and graduates into a fetus, typically considered to be accomplished at eight weeks after conception, and this fetus will later be birthed at typically 37 to 42 weeks from conception, although fetuses as young as 22 weeks have been successfully delivered. This means, depending upon the time table of when an abortion is performed, that the doctor performing it may be killing either a human embryo, or a human fetus (feticide), or even a viable fetus inside or outside the birth canal (infanticide).
The semantics and politics of those that are pro-abortion like to spin things in such a manner so as to emphasize two points: one is that it is the woman's body and she alone, should have preeminence over it, and that the State or any moral authorities, should therefore step aside. The other is that those that perform or participate in an abortion do not want to, or refuse to admit that an abortion is anything other than essentially aborting "products of conception", which sidesteps the real issue and is intellectually dishonest.
What is lost during all this abortion talk and action, is the fact that humanity and the sanctity of human life, itself, essentially takes a back seat to the selfishness of those that are alive at the expense of those that would have life. Abortion is in essence, the euthanasia of the defenseless, it is feticide, it is infanticide, to which a great nation can never be a defender of, and instead the highest court of our land in order to be considered a legitimate authority must recognize that its chilling precedence has done more to destroy the fabric of this storied nation, than any foreign enemy America has ever faced.