America is a country that rests on its laurels and unfortunately going forward, are absolutely dependent more and more upon geniuses from foreign countries boosting its anemic and pathetic educational accomplishments by immigrating instead to our rich, powerful, but dumb-down country. There are no objective tests that are given worldwide in which United States high school students perform at the top of any worldwide country list, to which you can state almost with a certainty that the countries' leading those lists will absolutely dominant and crush the United States completely and thoroughly in regards to their test scores in comparison to ours. In fact, the United States does not do much better than middling in their testing and often slips to below the median in its results, despite all the monies thrown into our educational system. The bottom line for American educational methods is that they do not challenge their students to learn much of anything, and the test results prove it.
What is especially distressing for America is that there was a time when Americans were amongst the best and the brightest, to which many of the great Founding Fathers of our Country, had extensive classical educational backgrounds, something that is virtually unknown in today's America. Great men, such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, to name just a few, were masters of Greek and Latin prose, and not only were they well versed in the language itself, more importantly they knew the thoughts, the history, and the wisdom of the ancients, to which all were put to good use in the writing of, the formulating of, and belief that this country could and would one day be the beacon of freedom throughout the world.
America today, is fat, lazy, and dumb, to which it has neither the wit nor the wisdom, to be anything but an empire that will collapse upon itself. This is a country that cares more about mindless entertainment, bullying its way because it cannot take the time to build real coalitions or to put together cogent arguments, and corrupting its citizens in such a way, that the moral compass of good ethics, civil virtue, and Biblical wisdom, has been kicked completely to the side of the road.
The educational system of America today, has really come down basically to the babysitting and the coddling of today's youth, in which the only real purpose for school appears to be, to take students off the street and away from their homes for a few hours, so that they can goof around, perhaps learn a bit through rote memory, and other than that act the fool at school.
The time to challenge a student is when they are young and moldable, susceptible and eager to actually learn, because their minds are ready and willing to be filled with knowledge and for the opportunity to learn how to think and to apply themselves, but if the State is unwilling to insist and mandate that certain educational standards of real merit are met and achieved, but instead asks only that the students be docile and to behave like a sheep ready to be sheared, you will get a nation of sheep, ready to be led by a demagogue that will use, exploit, and ultimately control them.