America: Once the Sleeping Giant / by kevin murray

When Japan launched its very successful surprise Pearl Harbor attack in 1941, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was alleged to have said: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."  One day later, Japan declared war upon America, and three days after that, Germany and Italy did likewise, forcing America from an official position of neutrality to war.  Admiral Yamamoto's words proved prophetic as the entry of America into the European as well as the Pacific theatre in war, was the beginning of the end for the Axis nations, as the military might, armaments, personnel, technology, bravery, and killing power of the United States, was to be the inflection point of World War II, and result in the utter defeat and capitulation of the Axis nations.  These men and women of that period of time were later given the well-deserved moniker of: "the greatest generation".


We are now a few generations removed from World War II, and America is still a giant, forever awake, ubiquitous in its influence throughout the entire world, and second to absolutely none in power, in wealth, and in strength.  Unfortunately, for America, as well as for the world, America is seldom the gentle giant, although it does demonstrate this from time-to-time and from place-to-place, with its generosity and compassion, but way too often America puffs up its chest, and declares to the world, in its actions and its behavior, that there is only one master, and thereby all other nations must bow to it, or suffer forth the consequences of disobedience to that which must be obeyed.


America insists upon and is a worldwide power, which necessitates bases, logistics, and personnel, all over and throughout the world.  America cares little for the sovereignty or rule of law within other countries, although they might pay lip service to it, but this is more for show, than for anything else.  America plays rough, so when in those instances, other nations show some spirit or some spine against the interests of America, America reserves the right to pay them back in its own way and in its own time, so that those that have the nerve to spat upon America, will understand that deliberate disrespect against America, will result in payback, dirty or otherwise.


America believes that what is good for America is good for the world, even if that really isn't so, and certainly America believes strongly that while it might be nice to win countries over to its side and its philosophy, it is of much more value to simply subvert democratic and constitutional governments throughout the world and to thereby influence or corrupt those in power in such countries to march to the drum of the master's fife, and let the chips fall where they may.


It isn't easy to be a competent and wise leader of the free world, especially if that means, having actual working coalitions that take into accountand consideration that other countries have their own interests, religions, beliefs, governments, and historical background, that may very well be at odds to our own.  Unfortunately, too often America is a country that demands tribute, while offering little or nothing of moral value or substance in return. 


America, is no longer the sleeping giant, but has instead morphed into the schoolyard bully, yet beneath that tough, ugly and intimidating veneer, rests not the liberty of yesteryear, but instead is found a lethargic, selfish, intolerant, ignorant, supercilious, beer-belly fool.