The American Aristocracy / by kevin murray

America was founded by those coming to America in order to be able to freely express their religious views without the fear of oppression or interference by State authorities.  The origins of America do not contain any aristocratic titles for the people coming here nor did it have to deal with the long embedded hierarchy of a State-sponsored established church.  For the most part, this country was founded by men and women yearning to be free from the yoke ofboth religious intolerance as well as the escaping from the unnecessary interference of a State treating its subjects as its servants made for their pleasure as well as to help them to continue to augment their power.


Our Declaration of Independence in 1776, made it quite clear that our call for freedom, was a call based on the premise that all men are created equal, with certain unalienable rights, and that to secure those rights governments are instituted amongst men, under the consent of the governed.   Further to this point since tyranny had no place in America, the allegiance of its citizens were made to each other, for their safety and for their happiness.


Although America, today, still does not have noble titles as you so often see in countries that are located within Europe, the functioning of America clearly shows that there is an unfair and biased division within America that separates the privileged elite, typically of inherited power and wealth, from the body politic, in general.  For instance, when looking at the highest power in our land, the Presidency, we have several dynastic factions, which include the Kennedys, the Clintons, and the Bushes.  John F. Kennedy, was elected to the Presidency in 1960, later was assassinated, to which his brother Robert had an excellent chance of becoming nominated/elected in 1968 before he too was assassinated, and then later his brother Ted Kennedy, ran for the Democratic nomination in 1980, and ended up serving in the US Senate for the fourth-longest period of time of any Senator ever.  The Kennedy family is numerous, wealthy, and with an excellent name recognition, so no doubt, some Kennedy will once again come to the fore, to run for the Presidency in the future.  Bill Clinton was a two-term President, to which, his wife, Hillary Clinton, became a US Senator in 2000, was re-elected, later ran for the Presidency in 2008, later yet was appointed by Obama as our Secretary of State, and is the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic nomination for the Presidency in 2016.  George H.W. Bush was a one-term President, his son George W. Bush, became a two-term President and his brother Jeb Bush, is a two-term Governor of Florida, and is set to run for the Presidency in 2016.


Then there are those that created their wealth in America and have been able to pass on this wealth, power, and prestige from generation to generation, to which we have familiar names, such as the Astor family, the Du Pont family, the Roosevelt family, the Rockefellers, and the Forbes, to mention just a few of the most prominent families.  These dynasties have an undue influence upon America as a whole, to which their concern is far from being just ordinary citizens within America, but instead to be part and parcel of the privileged elite, having access to power and the benefits that most Americans would quiver in envy to even approach. 


America, most definitely has an aristocracy, considered in many ways to be untouchable, they live differently from you and I, they think and behave differently, they are treated differently, and their presence in America makes a big difference to the stability, fairness, liberty, and justice of America.  The American experience is different for having this aristocracy, an aristocracy that effectively is above the law, because it is a law unto itself.