The Abortion of Obama / by kevin murray

President Obama has made his position on abortion quite clear and consistent over the years, believing strongly in a woman's right to protect their health and to have reproductive freedom, stating that: "… I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right…" Obama has also stated in regards to his daughters that:  “I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.”  Clearly, Obama's words and beliefs when it comes to a woman's right to choose are unequivocal and clear, additionally there are also in conformance with current federal law.


I wonder though about the birth of President Obama, himself, to which he was born in Hawaii in 1961.  At that time abortion was not legal in Hawaii, even though later Hawaii would be the first State in the Union to legalize abortion, but that would not occur until 1970.  Further to this point, his mother, an intelligent woman, became pregnant with Barack Obama, before she was even eighteen, and was at the time of Barack's conception, unmarried, involved with a man that was an intelligent exchange student, six years her senior, born in a different country, from a different religion, and already a married father with two children, of which there was a legitimate question as to whether Barack's father was indeed, even divorced.


Giving this aforementioned information, and imagining that the court decision and the consequences of Roe v. Wade had been made not in 1973, but in 1960, and that there was a Planned Parenthood facility or something similar in Honolulu, to which Senator Obama stated in 2007, "Thanks to all of you at Planned Parenthood for all the work that you are doing for women…", of which Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of reproductive health services in America, one must wonder using the logic and Obama's own words and viewpoint, what advice Planned Parenthood would have given Ms. Dunham at the time of her pregnancy should she had come into their facility for counseling.


Isn't this in short, President Obama, arguing for his own abortion, because could it not be easily construed that Ms. Dunham's pregnancy was indeed a youthful mistake,  an unfortunate indiscretion, and that a baby being born from that mistake would be a form of unfair punishment against Ms. Dunham?  This would appear to be the only reasonable and logical conclusion that one could draw when taking into account Obama's position in regards to abortion and a woman's right to choose.


The fact of the matter is we do not know how a given aborted child would have turned out, because in actuality that child's life has been terminated before the child has ever been born.  Perhaps a woman's right to choose should trump all, perhaps that right should be mitigated; it's a complicated subject, with moral and human consequences of immense importance; of no less importance than the White House, itself.