Church and State / by kevin murray

There is a mistaken belief that the United States of America was setup as a secular State, with clearly delineated lines separating Religion/Church from the State itself.  This belief is patently false and we know that from many statements from our Founding Fathers, with probably the two most important statements being as follows.  Firstly, within the Declaration of Independence it declares that the people of America "…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…"  This proclamation is of immense and fundamental importance to all Americans because it declares that our Rights come not from the Government, nor from man himself, which would by definition mean that they these very Rights could be therefore be also taken away from us by Government or man himself, but instead it is stated that these Rights, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, come from our Creator and not the State.  Further, in regards to religion in America, our First Amendment to our Constitution states that our National Government: "…prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion…" which means that the Federal Government is precluded from interfering with or enacting laws that either aid, eliminate, or establish an official Federal religion.  This does not mean that our Federal Government is an adversary to religion, far from it; its meaning is instead that our National Government will not force a Government religion upon the people that all people must adhere to. 


Further to the point, there is the wrong belief that the best government, by definition, is a government that is totally separated from religion and by implication separated from religious influence upon the people and upon laws.  This belief is not only fundamentally flawed, it is also nonsensical.     If the laws within any country, within any government, are not based upon "natural law", than that government is in error.  Saint Augustine told us that: "The natural law is thus an image of the eternal law writ in the heart of man, impressed there by the Lord who made him."  This signifies that the highest Government, the greatest State, that administers justice to its citizens, is a State that is in harmony with eternal law, and not arbitrary and discriminatory law.  At a minimum, all laws within a legitimate country should be equally applied to all, as this is the only possible way that we can thereby bring justice to all.


Any legitimate State must answer also to a higher power, that power is found in our Creator.  Laws, traditions, and actions that are taken in consideration of this fundamental moral truth, will bring blessings upon that nation and its peoples.  If this was not the case, the President of the United States, would not bother to say during his oath, "so help me God," nor would our justice system use this phrase for court appearances.     


While it is true that the Church is not the State, in fact, in the United States, there isn't even an officially established religion, the principles of religious thought and practices, are the basis itself for the legitimacy of that State, and that when the people determine that "…any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…"  This is the principle that supersedes all others for Americans, as it is this principle that so many brave and great men willingly made the ultimate sacrifice of their "… Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."   This is why those that try to change history and law to reflect that which never was are not only the usurpers of true authority, not only traitors to this country, but a disgrace to the legacy of our Founding Fathers.