The most important document in the history of America is the Declaration of Independence, which represents the reason and the thought process behind why America rebelled against Great Britain. This means that the Declaration of Independence is the very foundation of American liberty, the cornerstone of every good thing that America represents. Within this document are contained these important and moving words, that "… Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Yet, today, few people believe that we actually have a Federal government that adheres to the very foundational principles of the consent of the governed, as a recent Rasmussen Reports telephone poll indicated that "Just 21% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the federal government today has the consent of the governed."
If we live today in a country that doesn't have the consent of the governed, and I definitely submit that this is indeed the actual case, than we are not living the American dream, we are not living the American way, we are not being true to the Declaration of Independence, or to the blood of our forefathers, and further that America is in fact, not that beacon of liberty and pristine light that it professes to be, but a poor, dim, imitation of it.
America, its judicial system, its legislative house, and its executive department, are, in essence, a government, onto itself, to which the people must submit or suffer the consequences of their disobedience to the State and its powerful apparatus. America is many things, it is a nation of laws, laws upon laws, laws that supersede other laws, only to be circumvented by still other laws, laws that serve certain connected interests because of money, or power, or corruption, and laws that are stretched, bent, or curved, to mean anything that the Law makers want those laws to mean. The legislative house of America subverts its very purpose by caring little for the people as a whole, instead mainly bowing down to well-financed lobbyists, special interests, and corporate desires, to which the voice of the people is effectively drown out by the cacophony of pure greed and the lust for temporal power. The Executive office of the President, believes it too can write and enact Executive Orders for whatever purpose it pleases, to do whatever that the Executive branch desires to do, which makes that office the power of just one, one to rule them all.
As our Declaration of Independence states, governments are instituted amongst men for the purpose of ensuring ourselves of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that is the raison d'être for our government in the first place, and if our government does not provide that to us, its legitimacy should certainly be called into question. Life offers to all of us, challenges enough, that we do not need, nor do we desire to have our own government, actively working against us, from the taking of our liberties, from the unjustified takings of our labor, or the unjustness and unequal application of natural law.
America is meant to be a mighty nation, one nation, undivided, of liberty and justice for all, but seldom has it lived up to those lofty attributes, instead it is like the sound of a clanging cymbal, without brotherly love, speaking with a forked tongue, seldom asking for consent, but instead demanding unfailing allegiance to the State, or to suffer the consequences forthwith.