As technology has gotten more ubiquitous, more powerful, and more pervasive, all of the average citizens civil rights have come under assault, all under the false flag of safety, security, and domestic tranquility. While there are a significant amount of Americans that will eat the propaganda that this nation's leaders foist upon them, there are many people that recognize that the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002, was the day, that America, no longer represented life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness but instead degraded itself into believing that nothing was more important than citizen safety, compliance, and domestic non-confrontational interactions.
While those that run our Para-military police departments, our armed forces, and our DHS, liked to profess that all good citizens have nothing to fear, the word "good" as used in this description, means, subservient in all ways to the State. That type of obedience is consistent with the type of obedience that is expected by totalitarian regimes, which demand from its citizens, that they will behave in certain specific ways or suffer the consequences.
The Department of Homeland Security is the excuse for our government to have access to everything that we do and say, without limit, without proper supervision, without Constitutional authorization, and thereby to sacrifice our freedom, to sacrifice our conscience, all for the sake of safety. While it is true that pigs in a pigpen are safe, it also true that they aren't free, and further to the point, it is true that one day they will be slaughtered for the role of a "good" pig is to be served on a plate to its ultimate master.
George Orwell's seminal book, 1984, was written as a warning that the State, far from being our benevolent friend, far from looking out for the common citizen's concerns, far from being both fair and impartial, had its own vested interest in how it would prefer society to be, and not too surprisingly a society in which the citizen serves the State, a society in which the State controls everything, including the past, the present, and the future, as well as the mind being itself controllable and manipulated by the State, presents the type of intrusive encroachment upon individuals and their will, that the end result, is compliance to the all powerful State.
The Department of Homeland Security is aptly named, and completely unnecessary in times of war, or for that matter, in times of peace. The DHS aggrandizes unto the State, all power, all for the benefit for those that are the real power brokers of the State, so that each individual outside of this elite can be looked upon as having value only in the sense of the value that they can provide via labor or its equivalency to the State, and all others, that have little, no, or negative value, are treated in essence as enemies of the State, enemies of Homeland Security.
Homeland Security wants you to believe that there is an international bogeyman that is going to terrorize our citizens and only Homeland Security can stop it. Homeland Security wants you to believe that we are always in danger and only Homeland Security can stop it. Homeland Security wants you to believe that safety is only possible if we as citizens consent for everything about us to be monitored, processed, stored, and analyzed.
In exchange for all our liberties and freedoms being sacrificed, Homeland Security promises that they will protect us, when in actuality, by so doing; they have dehumanized us, and successfully manipulated us into vacating our unalienable rights, and making a god instead of our masters of Homeland Security.