There are plenty of things that we take for granted each and every day, mainly because they have become routine to us, but upon reflection, we should pay more attention to them. For instance, each of us must have a proper amount of sleep which varies from person=to-person, but within sleep for all of us our conscious mind becomes quiescent and silent while our subconscious mind takes over. In addition, for each of us, although again it differs person-to-person, we dream while we sleep, whether or not we can remember our dreams, how vivid our dreams are, and so forth, differs, but each of us dreams, during our periods of sleep.
Our dreams through our subconscious mind are akin to our own private movies, in which, all sorts of activities and action takes place, all being accomplished while we lie somnolent in bed. Because these dreams come forth from our own subconscious mind, they have importance primarily to the dreamer of that dream, as compared to being universal in its symbols and thereby applying to all, although there are dream motifs that are consistent within cultures and certain contexts.
To demonstrate one of the primary differences between our conscious and subconscious mind, we know that within our conscious mind whether we are courageous or not, whether we are a soldier or not, whether this person is still alive or not, and so forth, whereas in our subconscious mind facts that we take for granted, about who and what we are, are suspended in disbelief, so that in our dreams, we can be in an entirely different time zone, in an entirely different city, in an entirely different period of our life in regards to our age, have facts about our current life changed such as not being married, even though in reality we are, being with friends that we haven't seen in years, being at a former job that we haven't worked at in years, and poignantly engaging with loved ones from our past, that have physically left this world.
There is something very special about having a dream with someone close to you that is no longer physically here, but within your dream, they are alive, and you and they are doing various activities together. While these particular dreams can signify all sorts of things, the most obvious thing, that it signifies is that physical death is not the end of life, that although our precious loved ones from our life are no longer physically here, their soul, their spirit, exists, and subsequently their soul breaks through the dimension that traps our conscious mind so often into believing that we exist solely in time and space, whereas freed from such men-activated constraints, in our dream world, time and space are seen correctly as an illusion.
This means that in our dream world, we easily can gravitate to the past, to the future, to those alive, to those dead, and so forth, because our subconscious mind is not restrained by the "intelligence" of our conscious mind. There are many, many things that happen to us in our lives that mean a lot to us, so to once again, be able to be with those that were part and parcel of our lives, is a welcomed relief. It is a reminder that death is best seen as the release of our soul from the physical confines of the body, presenting an opportunity perchance to be again with those that we love most, and to interact with them in a dimension that limits not itself.