ATM fees should be lower and progressive by kevin murray

The fact that there are so many Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) would seem to indicate that the general public has a need to extract cash from time to time and desires to be able to do so without having to interact with a physical teller.  This would appear to be a win-win, because consumers that do not take up the labor of a human being is in the scheme of things, more cost effective than those customers that have to go into the banking facility or engage in such through the drive-through window. This signifies that banking institutions could see ATMs as just being the cost of doing business, but it has to be said, that the structure of fees associated with ATMs would strongly imply that ATM fees are, in fact, predatory in nature.  For instance, while many a banking customer understands that when they utilize their own banks’ ATM or a bank that is within their network, or have a relationship with their bank that permits them to be reimbursed for any ATM fees, means that for them, they will not be charged an ATM fee – which for these particular banking customers reflects that their ATM banking experience has all the advantages of being able to conveniently extract cash, without having to pay a noxious fee.  On the other hand, there are plenty of other folks, who typically aren’t as savvy or as knowledgeable, who often are not as organized, and further to the point, typically are far less cash-rich, and also they don’t seem to understand the fee structure of a given ATM, except to understand that they will be charged for the usage of an out-of-network ATM, as well as often being charged by their own bank, for having used an out-of-network ATM, signifying that for them to take out as little as $40 or $60 could be costing them $6 or $7 or possibly more in fees.


When it comes to fees, penalties, and other financial charges, banks seem to well understand that for their customers who have financial assets, that the banks aren’t fixated on “nickel and diming” them because they hope that when these same customers desire to get a home mortgage or a car loan, that the opportunity to make some money will be there for them.  Those though who lack monetary assets and aren’t the type of credit risk that banks care for are seen then as an entity to exploit, which is why the ATM fee structure is the way that it is so that the poor and unenlightened subsidize those that have money and are knowledgeable.


It would seem that a far better way for ATM fees to be structured would be to be fairer to those who utilize such, in which, the best method of being fair, would be to have a progressive ATM fee structure, in which, quite simply, the more that a person withdraws from the ATM, the higher the overall fee, though the percentage of that fee, would still be considerably lower than someone withdrawing just $40.  That way, the person who needs to get a little bit of cash for a planned transaction isn’t charged a fee which amounts to something like 20%, but would instead pay no more than 5%; whereas somebody taking out a larger sum, such as $300 would pay a much larger monetary fee, though the percentage would only amount to something like 1.5%, which seems not only to be fair to all parties, but would still permit the banking institution to get fees from that ATM, but at a far more reasonable level

War profiteering by kevin murray

The art of war is typically a very dirty and very nasty business, but in consideration that warfare has been with us, since time immemorial, it’s fair to say that it isn’t going to all of a sudden, just disappear.  It is one thing when soldiers, conscripted or not, voluntarily or not, fight against the other, in which, they risk both life and limb; whereas, it’s an entirely different thing when those well removed from the dangers of such fighting, see wars as an opportunity to exploit inefficiencies in the logistics of such so as to indulge in their own corrupt minds to extract unmerited profit from that war, often at the expense of not just the nation, but not infrequently, endangering their own soldiers, through shoddy gear, misfiring weapons, inaccurate and unsafe instruments, and spoiled foodstuffs.


Indeed, in any nation in which profit is the main thing, those that are involved in warfare, from the perspective of engaging in contracts, or the fulfilling of those contracts, or in the implementation, so of, have a ripe opportunity to become war profiteers, often because the urgency of situations, makes for excellent opportunities to exploit such, to the advantage of those opportunists.


When we consider who in reality is a traitor to their own nation, one might consider that anybody who changes sides in a war would be marked as a traitor, or those who go about their business in a half-ass way might be considered to have traitorous characteristics.  However, a broader definition of a traitor has got to include those that knowingly pass off bad goods as actually being good, and of which when those very goods are armaments that do not function even close to the reliability or the accuracy of what those weapons are supposed to do, thus endangering our soldiers -- this must therefore be seen as to what it actually is, which is profiteering, by the passing on of those fraudulent goods as being the real deal.


The temptation to war profiteer, is too great for certain people and the entities that support such, because they aren’t satisfied with just making a reasonable profit, but recognize that they can make a whole lot more money by deception, in which, the fog of war, often makes it difficult to know as to not only who the guilty party is, but whether there is even a guilty party to begin with. Indeed, the chain of command typically doesn’t know and often doesn’t have the capacity to know what has fully occurred, along with the salient fact that the chain of command just has to basically deal with the situation as it is, and therefore concentrate upon the business of warfare, above all.


Whether or not a war profiteer can be caught is one thing, but for a certainty, those who are caught, should be severely punished, for anything that puts our soldiers in danger because the weapons or the logistics of what is supposed to happen have been compromised by somebody else who has knowingly provided shoddy goods and materials, is somebody that has sold their soul for profiteering, done so at the expense of their nation, and those that nobly fight for such.

Out-of-wedlock birth rate for Japan, South Korea, and the United States by kevin murray

While in the present day, most people are quite aware that the out-of-wedlock birth rate in the United States, is quite high, of which, in fact, it is estimated to be as of 2021, around 41%, they would also be quite surprised to know how much higher this out-of-wedlock rate is as compared to Japan and South Korea.  In fact, both Japan and South Korea's out-of-wedlock birth rates are extraordinarily low, of which, these reside at around 2%, which is a staggering difference between the United States as compared to these two Asian Nations. in other words, the difference between the United States and South Korea in out-of-wedlock birth rates is really the difference between something that is common in the United States as compared to something that is quite uncommon in South Korea and Japan.


Undoubtedly, there are certainly going to be plenty of people who from a religious angle will decry all of the childbirths occurring in the United States that are out-of-wedlock, though the downside of all of these out-of-wedlock births is of far more concern than just some sort of religious complaint and perspective.  Indeed, from just about any metric, those children who are South Korean or Japanese, are going to live in a society, that is far less violent, far better educated, and far more conducive to a healthy society than what we do see in the dysfunctional United States.


In point of fact, those children that are born out-of-wedlock, vary from circumstances in which they grow up essentially in a single-parent family, or in contrast, in a family of two parents, that have chosen to not be married.  The difference between single-parent families and those that live with both parents is often a very stark contrast between those children that live far more often in impoverished and diminished circumstances, which isn’t good for the proper and wholesome development of those children, and further will be reflected in their eventual success or lack thereof as compared to the far better circumstances and incumbent better results represented by two-parent households.  That is to say, out-of-wedlock births often are a handicap to those children that are born especially within those single-parent conditions, and therefore logic would tell us that this government of, for, and by the people, would want to encourage those of childbearing age, that being married or its equivalency in a stable and healthy relationship, is going to best represent the healthiest environment to produce offspring.


Look, while plenty of people can decry how times have changed, it has to be noted that fellow OECD countries such as South Korea and Japan, have somehow been able to successfully accomplish an impressively high birthrate of children born from married parents, which has been beneficial for those societies.  This would seem to indicate that the United States should reevaluate its priorities and look within its collective character, to determine as to whether or not, it has veered off course from representing a nation that ought to stand for fairness, equality of opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness -- for as it stands right now, those in the United States that are born out of wedlock, are often starting their innocent lives at a severed handicap to those who are born within a married household.

Emancipation: Myth or reality by kevin murray

In today’s world, we take for granted our modern communication modes, which permit us to receive news of interest almost instantaneously.  However, back in the time of the Civil War, communication came primarily through the means of community centers, pamphlets, and newspapers of all sorts, of which, the fastest way to communicate from one area of the nation to the other, was done through the amazing telegraph.  That said, those who could most appreciate these ways of communicating recent news, were those that typically lived in communities of some size, so as to take the best advantage of telegraphs and the like.  However, it has to be remembered that the South had seceded from the Union of States, and had previously put into place restrictions as to what news was permitted or not permitted to be disseminated to those rebellious States. Further to the point, the telegraph was thereby controlled by Southern interests and the Southern point of view, thereby essentially indicating that the news as distributed to Southerners was typically heavily biased to the viewpoint of those that were its leaders and its censors.  This thus indicated, that despite Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863, the news that all “slaves, are and henceforward shall be free,” was the exact type of news that slaveowners would have a very strong vested interest in not seeing being known or distributed to those that were their slaves.  In short, despite being freed back on January 1, 1863, that news, would have to be spread primarily through the slave grapevine and whether or not believed, was left to those that were enslaved, for those that were in slavery, knew for a certainty, the penalty for abandonment of their job duties, or in being a runaway.


So too, it’s important to understand, that not only were the vast majority of slaves, illiterate, but also that plantations were in many a case, large in size, so that, slaves from one plantation to another, did not often have the opportunity to communicate with one another in a meaningful way, or even to have the chance to contemplate important breaking news, when so heard.  Still, many a slave, did get the news of their emancipation, and believed such, and thereby looked upon the armies of the North as being their destination of choice, so as to be not only protected by those armies and their armaments, but also to be fed and to have shelter, and thereby also to distance themselves day by day, ever further from their previous condition of servitude.


Yet, it has to be said, though slaves were emancipated in 1863, it was found that even at the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865, a sizeable number of those in slavery did not honestly know that they were free or did not have the capacity to express that freedom, because they lack agency or the protection of the Union to do so.  Further to the point, when Lincoln was assassinated in April of 1865, the belief of being freed was severely discounted when it was rumored that because of Lincoln’s assassination, their emancipation had now been voided.  So then, the reality of emancipation, for many that were enslaved was not effectively January 1, 1863, but rather was considerably later for many so enslaved, because they were rightfully fearful that to believe in a myth or a rumor, could make them to suffer the reality of the lash, even to the point of death.

Our dangerous and toxic forever chemicals by kevin murray

Not everything that scientists work on is going to be beneficial for society and its people.  When it comes to chemicals, that which has been created for a particular purpose such as for cosmetics, paint, fabrics, clothing, firefighting, and a host of other things, we find that while these forever chemicals often perform their duty admirably, they also though present a real problem, because these forever chemicals as currently constituted, typically won’t breakdown to oil, water, or to heat—which indicates the rather unfortunate fact that these forever chemicals that are toxic in the construct are inherently quite dangerous -- for nothing then will stop these toxic chemicals from leaking into and thus becoming part and parcel of our planet, which thereby becomes a real issue to address, for this represents a pollutant that we don’t have a good solution on how to successfully ameliorate.


The main problem with toxic chemicals that will not break down is the very fact that it is its toxicity that is a menace to the human body.  This would clearly indicate that despite the potential commercial benefits of these forever chemicals which might even be great, as well as the given tasks that these chemicals are designed for which are often purposeful and of aid to their designed purpose, is that within the design of these forever toxic chemicals, society has not seen properly put into place what should and needs to be done to protect the human body, first and foremost, from that toxicity.


Indeed, not everything that a given chemist creates is going to be good for the environment or for humanity, despite what good could conceivably come from the usage of that chemical concoction.  This thus signifies that just as manufactured drugs have to go through a process of being regulated through the Food and Drug Administration on behalf of the people, the same sort of governmental oversight needs to be in effect, for toxic forever chemicals, because not only do these forever chemicals not breakdown in our environment, but also because of their toxicity to the human body they present a clear danger that must be either successfully counteracted, somehow, or else be banned.


To believe that somehow manufacturing “superman” chemicals, that aren’t even susceptible to that which represents the equivalency of kryptonite, is going to be safe for the general public is to make a very grave mistake.  Indeed, humankind knows the toxicity of chemicals, which is why at the conclusion of World War I, chemical warfare was banned, because its usage created indiscriminate pain and suffering for all those exposed to such.


The problem with today’s toxic forever chemicals is the dual issue of their toxicity to human beings as well as that chemical concoction not being able to be broken down into safe elements or disposed of in a way and manner that would serve to protect humanity from that toxicity.  Look, it has to be said, that not everything discovered is going to be good for humankind, though it may have some good and valuable features to it; so then, when something has been created in which there isn’t a way to safely deal with that substance or the bad consequences, so of, it needs to be banned, posthaste, for the good of humanity.

FDR’s Forgotten Second Bill of Rights by kevin murray

On January 11, 1944, President Roosevelt gave his eleventh State of the Union Address, in which, as part of that address, he indicated that this republic needed to secure a second Bill of Rights, to assure its citizens a fair opportunity for happiness, economic security, and true independence.  The President then proceeded to list what he considered to be those rights which thus included: the right to a good job that would provide adequate compensation, the right to a decent home, the right to adequate healthcare, the right to adequate Social Security, and the right to a good education.


Here we are, eighty years later, and when we look at FDR’s Second Bill of Rights, the only reasonable conclusion that we can come to is essentially that none of these rights have ever been fully secured for the people, and there appears to be no realistic agenda or pathway that these rights will ever come into effect, in this the richest nation that the world has ever known, which is to America’s great and lasting shame.


While it has to be said, that governmental monies have been periodically devoted to these rights, the wherewithal though to secure these rights, has been sorely lacking.  For instance, despite the fact that America spends an inordinate amount of money on education, our children in the aggregate, are in far too many cases, very poorly educated, and in many a case, functionally illiterate, which is indicative of an educational system that has not served the general public and its children, well or adequately.  Additionally, we find at present, that the monies so needed to secure a decent house in a decent neighborhood, is something that is nothing but a pipedream for millions of Americans.  Also, the Federal minimum wage has not changed since 2009, and is neither indexed to inflation nor is the minimum wage attached to a wage that would represent a “living wage,” and as a further disgrace, there are also still exceptions for certain employees, such as tipped employees, to make even less than that inadequate minimum wage.  So too, despite the billions upon billions of dollars spent on healthcare, we do so find that for the most part, those who are ineligible for Medicare, are often basically responsible for their own healthcare, or receive such through their employment, but of which, at the end of the day, without Universal healthcare, it is the responsibility of the individual to secure such, no matter the affordability of that healthcare, for them.  Finally, while the United States has done a fairly decent job with Social Security for those of retirement age, there are still flaws within that system, of which the main flaw is that there should be for those who are retired, some minimum amount of stipend that all are entitled to, no matter the amount of their lifetime wages.


It seems incredible that back in 1944, there seemed to be a more conscious recognition, that any nation that considered itself to be the greatest nation in the world, would first of all, prove such to its citizens, by demonstrating that its safety net would be inclusive and adequate for those same citizens so that they would be in prime position to live a good and fruitful life.  When we look around at America, today, and see all these enclaves of poverty, of ill-education, of crime, and of general hopelessness, we have to admit that America has failed in its mission to be that beacon of light, and of hope, for those who represent the huddled masses of this nation, for what has occurred is essentially the turning out of that light upon them.

The full price of slavery by kevin murray

In life, there are those that are willing to pay the full measure for that which they have done or participated in that has been wrong, and there are many more who aren’t willing to pay that full measure.  Yet, for justice to be served, those who have done wrong, need to make good on what has occurred, or else this becomes a wound that will never properly heal but will remain an open sore, festering, and oozing pus.


The United States of America had its great civil war, of which, it is estimated that 620,000 men died from that war, with many thousands of more of those men being severely wounded in both mind and in body.  The vast majority of those who died and were wounded were white men, in which, the ultimate resolution of that war, was for the country to become re-united as the United States of America and for slavery as an institution, to be eradicated from this land.


Indeed, the price for freedom and of justice is oftentimes paid in the blood of those who thus have sacrificed their lives in that fight, of which, it was only fitting and proper that those of the white race that were slave-owning or beneficiaries in some respect of that slavery therefore paid in blood with their lives, as a justified form of compensation for those that had been enslaved, which thereby duly occurred.  After all, the inhumanity of slavery, which unjustly took the freedom, the labor, and the humanity from the other, necessitated that those who stole such had then to face the fair hand of justice to thereby right those scales.


For a certainty, those governments, made up of the governed, must answer for that which their governance supports through its institutions, and when such is wrong, that wrong must be corrected with far more than just some sort of abject apology.  In fact, every drop of blood from the lash must be fully paid for in a way and manner that corrects that which is wrong, which is why there never is an easy resolution for that which has been committed as a most serious offense.


While there may not ever be a good time when anyone really wishes to face the music for their bad actions, we do so find, that sooner or later it will have to be faced; and the longer that this is postponed the greater the punishment will subsequently be.  Indeed, all those who try to paper over mistakes, wrongs, and things of that ilk, in the mistaken belief that justice will never be served, have got it all wrong.  There will be justice, and the price of that justice will come at a fair and also a truly terrible cost, but once such is fully paid, this permits then from the ashes of that destruction, hatred, and violence for a new birth of freedom and liberty to occur.  So then, the full price of slavery and the wrongs therein could only be paid when the white man suffered their own considerable heartfelt losses, so meant to enlighten them, that God who has created each of us equally, shall not be mocked.

Our radical Declaration of Independence by kevin murray

We read in this Declaration of Independence these immortal words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  What makes these words so radical and the impact of these words so revolutionary, is the fact that in actuality, when we take a look at the history of the world, there are few civilizations of any real size and strength that have ever believed in their actions and by their governmental institutions that all of us are actually created equally, nor do they seem to believe that we truly do have unalienable rights which because they are unalienable signifies that we are born with them and that therefore those unalienable rights do not originate from the government whatsoever; but come to us rather from our Creator, which for a lot of people, or the governments of those people, really isn’t seen as being self-evident or believed in, at all.


It is to humankind’s vast regret, that its history is filled with case after case of humankind’s inhumanity to its own, demonstrated through slavery, unfairness, wars, injustice, and often the fact that so few have so much and are frequently considered thereby to be above the law; whereas the many, have so little, and are subject to being suppressed by the law, unequally applied.  This would seem to more than imply that the belief that we are created equally and that we all have the same unalienable rights is consistently not being borne out by the actions of our government, or the interplay that we have one to another.


Indeed, when we look upon what the major faults are within America and its governance, so of, it really comes down to the salient fact that despite this Declaration of Independence, so utilized as the rallying cry for the colonists to fight for their freedom, is that, at the end of the day, America has never come close to actually living up to its immortal creed, which is why America has so many problems and issues that have not been successfully resolved.  In America, despite law after law after law, we are not at the present day getting closer to what was the founding principle for America’s existence, because those who are our legislators, can’t seem to comprehend that equality under the law, can only be true within a construct that recognizes that all of us have been created equally.


It would be wise for America to get back to the wisdom of its roots, and impress upon all of its citizens, that they have truly been created equally and that they have also been birthed with unalienable rights, thereby signifying that the prime purpose of good governance is to uphold the fact that we have been created equally, and to see that the laws as implemented in this nation, reflect firstly that we have unalienable rights, which this government is meant to support, and not then to attempt to take away or to compromise such.  In short, any Declaration of Independence is only as good as the people are in seeing that it be actualized in a fair, even-handed, and dutiful manner, which gives then no quarter to those who would try to subvert it.

Sin as estrangement by kevin murray

There aren’t an awful lot of people that are eager to or really willing to admit to people that they congregate with or are friends with that they have performed sinful acts, though there are those that do admit such, but they typically do so with the utmost difficulty, and often within their being, discount that very admission that they have so confessed.  In other words, while they may well mouth the words that they are “sinful,” inside of their consciousness, however, they qualify such, by comparing themselves to others who are a lot worse than them and therefore much more sinful, and thereupon take solace that they despite having made mistakes that are classified as sin, haven’t really been all that bad, in comparison.


Regrettably, the above is a clear misunderstanding of what sinfulness actually is, for there isn’t really any good reason to envision sin as being every mistake that we have made, wittingly or unwittingly, but rather it is more appropriate to see sin as an estrangement from what we were created to be, and therefore incompatible with the good characteristics of God, and what we have been properly blessed with via the creation of our being.  That is to say, sin is the conscious act of disobeying or ignoring what we know to be right and good, to take on the aura of that which is wrong and bad, of which, the ultimate person hurt the most, will be ourselves, for it is us, that must meet what we have done so as to counteract or correct such, no matter how long such a journey consequently takes.


Every time that we commit an act which is a contradiction to what is moral and right, we have alienated ourselves from our Creator.  For a certainty, each of us has been gifted with free will, so as to provide us with the fair opportunity to do for ourselves and for others, great and noble acts, meant for the benefit of our fellow sojourners here on this earthly plane, or else primarily done for something that is selfish or the opposite of goodness  The pathway that we take is nevertheless ours to own, for we are the actuators of what we actually do and say, therefore signifying that we are ones that do or don’t take those steps necessary for our enlightenment and therefore our true liberty and wisdom.


Indeed, sin is a mistake, of which, the biggest mistake of sinning, is that we have rejected Light for darkness, under the misimpression that we know best when in actuality, we do not.  That which we know to do and is right, but that we subsequently fail to do, is sin, of which, that sin thus serves as a dividing line between us and our Creator, which therefore estranges us from God.  Those though that wish to get right with God, are the very same that will turn from their sinful ways, with the sure understanding that every righteous act makes for a renewed connection to that which will unite us to that eternal sanctuary of justice, peace, and love.

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” by kevin murray

It has been said that “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor,” mainly because a sailor needs to experience all sorts of adverse conditions in their sailing of the sea, in order then to learn how to successfully deal with such, and those sailors who have not experienced those adverse and unexpected conditions are therefore not going to be nearly as skilled in the handling of such, when they so come, which they inevitably will.


In life, there is many a person that does not desire challenges whatsoever, for basically they desire instead to have nothing but clear skies and smooth sailing throughout their entire life.  While there is something to be said, about desiring things to go exceedingly well, the bottom line is that when we are not tested, or when we fear to properly test ourselves by engaging in those areas of life which we are actually meant to bravely face, or to prepare ourselves well to face such, then it is a certainty that we are surely not going to be able to achieve all that we are capable of achieving, along also with the knowing that we probably should have at least risen up to do so.


Indeed, the most important things to achieve in this life, are those accomplishments that take a great deal of time, effort, and labor, of which, because the pathway is arduous and not predetermined, we appreciate it all the more when we finally accomplish those very things, of which, it is especially pleasing when we take into consideration that it was never a certainty that we would successfully do so.  This means, that in the effort to achieve our goals, we will invariably have to deal with situations that are both unexpected and undesired, of which, we are meant then to deal with such with aplomb as well as an abiding desire to overcome those obstacles so that we can fairly earn the prize that we have our heart so set upon.


So too, when we, for example, discuss with the surgeon our upcoming operation, we want to hear from them, not only that they have the experience, knowledge, and knowhow to successfully perform such a surgery, but also that they have had to at some previous point, deal with a situation that enabled them to increase their skill set because they were put to the test, that took them way beyond theory, and into the practicality of taking their virtuosity to a level previously never experienced, and subsequently efficaciously dealt with.


All those that want nothing but the easy road, are those too laidback to actually ever amount to what they could or should become.  In this world, we will be tested, and that which once appeared to be smooth sailing is going to at some point change to something far more challenging, of which, that challenge is not meant to break us, but rather it is that challenge which is meant to make us; and those then that are best prepared for those troubled waters, consisting of adversity and setbacks, are the very ones that will through this experience, as well as their foresight, and their ingenuity, safely reach their desired destination, through their skill as a sailor.

In praise of contributing to society by kevin murray

One of the main problems with living within a construct that is quite competitive, and of which many a person measures themselves not only by their achievements but also by how they compare vis-à-vis their contemporaries is that we thus conduct our lives, far too often, even when we are away from work, in a competitive frame of mind, in which, our abiding goal then is to get what is ours above all else. Indeed, when what we so obtain, appears to be greater than those that we are competing against, we feel that we have thus run our race, particularly well.  So too, there is many a person that wants to be praised not so much for their generosity, or what they contribute to society, but rather they want to be recognized via their accomplishments and the accouterments of that status, as representing, therefore, a successful person, which provides them thereby with a positive self-image and a reinforcement, thereof, that the decisions that they have made, have been correct.


While people are going to find motivation in all sorts of ways and be driven to succeed by often their own desire, or perhaps in conjunction with societal pressures that they feel have encouraged them to be successful, that isn’t necessarily the healthiest way for a member of society to conduct themselves – for those that thereby insist or that believe that the world truly is a zero-sum game, then quite obviously there will be that constant pressure upon them to get what they can get because if they miss out, somebody else will surely get what could have been theirs.


A far healthier society is one that sensibly reduces the competitive spirit and replaces such with a collaborative spirit.  That is to say, we would be better off if we better understood, that we are all in this together, from rich to poor, from one color to another, and from one faith to another, for we all have been created equally and it is our duty therefore, to visualize those that populate this world more as our brothers and sisters, as opposed to seeing them constantly as a force that needs to be counteracted against, competed against, or worried about.


The best of humanity is not represented best by those who have focused almost exclusively upon their self, or just those who care exclusively about their own family, but rather the best of humanity is represented best by those who have contributed something positive to society, by contributing their time, their experience, and their sweat labor to doing something that will help make society a better place for their valued participation in it.  In other words, it is what we do to help make society better, that will in the skeins of time, be a more prudent use of our particular skill set.  Further to the point, a lot of what we can do to contribute to others hasn’t a lot to do with how educated we are, or how clever we might be, but has a lot more to do with our desire to lend a helping hand in the best way possible to those that could use our aid, as given by our heart to theirs.

Divide and conquer by kevin murray

America likes to believe that it is a democracy or considered to be a Constitutional republic, of which, it represents therefore a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people, but this is belied by all the evidence that we have that America is a nation, divided, warring between different political factions, different political parties, different classes, different races, different religious faiths, and different perspectives.  In point of fact, America at this stage of its existence is more akin to a plutocracy rather than being a nation that has a fair selection of the people’s representatives in office, for the decisions that are made, day after day, consistently favor specifically the powerful elite which is why there is so much disparity between those of the 1% that have everything that they could ever possibly desire or wish for, as compared to the masses, or even to those that serve that elite, which are left with no more than the scrapes off the master’s table, or perhaps a few bites of a good meal.  Incredibly, this is a nation that has more in common with a monarchy of old, than it has to being a nation of justice, opportunity, and equality for all.


The salient question of the day is how is it that so few are able to control so many, especially in a day and age, in which the population is literate, fairly well educated, and has the basic freedoms of speech, of the press, and of liberty.  The type of control that those who are elite of this nation, have in their possession, has been accomplished partly through the illusion that all is fair and square, but mainly through exploiting the divisions which thus serve to separate us from one another, and thereby to have us concentrate on damaging one another, rather than joining together to assert our Constitutional rights.  That is to say, those who are our representatives who are in the highest and seemingly most powerful political positions in this nation, aren’t typically independent personages, whatsoever, but rather have been carefully groomed to project their independence, but recognize that their assent to the top was sanctioned specifically by those that have true power.  So too, in order to successfully control a massive population, that population has to be consistently propagandized to – in addition, to those that are the masters of this nation, needing also to constantly agitate the population that what they so deeply desired to have is being denied to them, not by the government, and certainly not by the elites, but rather what they are lacking is because particular factions are precluding them from getting their fair share, and in order then to get what is rightfully theirs, they need then to battle that faction, in perpetuity, in which, neither side ever wins, and the battle never ends.


Indeed, for a very small minority of elites to rule over the majority of the people, this is best accomplished by keeping the people, divided, while also providing those same people with some of the taste of the good life, so as to keep them motivated, but never to permit them to have the vision, that what they really deserve is something so much more, as if that is their inherent right, of this the supposed representative of the last bastion of freedom, opportunity, and liberty, for all.

The police force as our bodyguard by kevin murray

In general, people’s opinion about the police force and how it operates has an awful lot to do with their perception of that police force as being, for example, as something necessary for society in order to maintain and thereby to uphold civility, the law, as well as for our general protection; as compared to those others that see the police as being something more akin to an occupying force.  This is indeed the dichotomy that represents the division that we see between those who feel the police are far too often expending time and energy in specific enclaves of poverty by abusing those who are the residents of such, as compared to providing those impoverished people more often with necessary protection and good service. On the other hand, those who live in well-off areas, typically see the police as a necessary presence to remind those who are up to no good or considering such, that there will surely be consequences for their ill behavior.


However, that said, a fresh and innovative way to look upon the policing force of America, is to consider the great advantage of a police force that represents more of a bodyguard function for us, as compared to an entity that seems to be separate from the people and thereby never answers to those people.  That is to say, a police force, in which those that are members of that police force, were structured in a way and manner that they served us as bodyguards would be a material improvement upon the present course of things, for the vast majority of people.  The reason that this would be so, is the fact that those who have taken the time to know us, are the very same, who will acknowledge our concerns and therefore will behave then in a way and manner, that would be more of service and protection for us.


Look, it has to be said that the more localized a given police force is, the better overall it would be for the population, for when the people know who the officers of the law are, and the officers of the law know who we are, there is thereby an understanding between the two, and when the people and the officers are truly on the same page because those officers are behaving as if they are our collective bodyguards, this provides us with the security and safety that we appreciate.  When we are recognized by officers for who and what we really are, and those officers thereby make it their expressed point to protect us from danger, then we surely have a police force that is behaving as our valued bodyguard.  


Indeed, many a police force has as their motto, “to protect and to serve,” which many a person intuitively desires from their police force, and the best way to achieve such a noble goal, would be for a more localized police force, that takes the time to earn the respect of as well as to know its residents, which provides then a safe harbor for a meeting of the minds between the policing arm of the state and the people, which makes thus for a safer, secure, and a more just society.

When your government knows everything about you by kevin murray

There are those particular people of historic privilege who believe it’s perfectly fine for their government, or even for their neighbor to know everything about them because as they say, they have nothing to hide.  Perhaps for those people, the salient reason that they have nothing to hide, is that they are members in good standing of the favored race, and the favored religion, and the favored class of people, who also don’t bother to ever do much of anything that is out of the norm, for they are quite satisfied with their life as it is, and have not the desire or the empathy to consider all the unfavored races, all the unfavored religions, or all the unfavored classes of people,  because they are not those people, and hence have little concern for them.


Whenever the government knows everything about us, through our basic divulgence of such through all the various forms that we have to fill out, for instance, to purchase a home, or to enter successfully into higher education, or for our medical needs, or for our taxes, or for employment, it is assumed by the general population that this information won’t ever be held against us, or used against us, but because it has been gathered, it may well be.  Further to the point, in today’s hi-technology world, in which video cameras controlled by various governmental agencies are commonplace throughout many public areas, and of which our social media accounts are available to be perused by those same governmental agencies, along also with our vulnerable cell phone records which are constantly tracking all of our communications, as well as our movements, presents for the government, such a rich vein of personal information, that the government knows for a certainty who and what we really are, which thereby presents that government with the discretionary power to do something about those that they find to be irritating or a nuisance or a menace, by digging deep through that information to ascertain our weaknesses and vulnerabilities to thereby exploit such on behalf of that government, so as to punish us, or to intimidate us, or to arrest us.


That which is our government, is not stupid, for they know that their constant surveillance of its own citizens is something that a large segment of such, would find to be not only intrusive but a violation of one’s privacy, so that in consequence this government is careful to present such to the general public as a necessary feature that will protect us and to keep us secure, of which, that government makes sure to show through example by example, of how such surveillance has allowed that government to prevent crimes and to catch criminals, which in many a sense, is basically true.  However, there is a mistaken belief by those who are too credulous, too clueless, or too unconcerned, that the government will not ever come after them, which is exactly what that government wants the majority of Americans to believe because it makes it all that much easier for the government to aggrandize onto itself more and more invasive power, and thereby makes it a near certainty that only those that please and placate governmental interests are going to be secure, whereas everyone else is absolutely in play.

The semantics of the Department of Defense by kevin murray

In 1949, what used to be known as the National Military Establishment, or historically as the Department of War was renamed to the Department of Defense.  While it has to be admitted that nations have an obligation to defend themselves and their institutions, it doesn’t seem accurate to call the gargantuan Department of Defense, anything other than the Department of War, for in reality, the United States has not had to defend itself from an attack from any foreign nation on its soil since 1812, with perhaps a couple of exceptions, for outlying islands in WW II, or also depending on how someone wants to classify such, the terrorist attack of 2001.  The bottom line is if the Department of Defense, really was in principle, a military department, exclusively designed to defend the United States, it is grossly mislabeled, for in actuality, the United States has insisted upon being at war, on behalf of whatever interests or as a proxy for such, all throughout the late 20th century and for the entire 21st century, and any nation that is always at war, is a nation that should properly call the biggest institution that it has, which is its Department of Defense, what it actually is, which is a Department of War.


So too, the citizens of this nation, have a right to know what the institutions that their tax dollars pay for, actually do, especially when that which is earmarked as being for the defense of this nation, are in actuality being spent for endless wars.  There isn’t any good reason for this government to deliberately deceive its population, which it has been sworn to serve, by mislabeling what it is doing supposedly on behalf of those people.


Right or wrong, the United States takes a perverse pleasure in applying the force of arms against typically nations that do not have the wherewithal to properly defend themselves, but often though have the constitution to withstand what they have to withstand in order to survive, through absorbing what they have to absorb, in order to still live.  This signifies that the type of war that America brings onto other nations, isn’t even successful in its alleged mission, but simply reigns destruction and terror upon those nations that it wars upon, but is seldom ever able to conquer or effectively control such.


It is a great contradiction that America declaims loudly that it is the bastion of freedom and democracy throughout the globe, by its very actions, done through the misnamed and bellicose Department of Defense, clearly indicate that America not only wants its way, but insists upon it, and cares not a whit about the sovereignty of other nations, of which, again and again, America insists that its way is the only way as well as being the supposed proper way, and does not care to win over any particular nation to their way of thinking, but rather prefers to bomb and to attack other nations, into submission.


It is therefore high time to rename the Department of Defense to what it really is, the Department of War; in addition, America needs to drop the pretense that it is defending freedom, liberty, and democracy throughout the world, and just simply admit its aim is global dominance through the act of warfare.

Gangs and dysfunctional societies by kevin murray

Those who have nothing and have been precluded from having the basic skillsets that will provide them with a reasonable pathway to success are going to have to try to find some way to make their way in the world that will provide for them the semblance of a life that would bring them some degree of satisfaction and respect.  The proximate reason for gangs has an awful lot to do with the salient fact that those who have very little or nothing, who are thus without a voice or power, and pretty much are treated as the refuse of society, have then few viable legitimate options to make something of themselves, of which, therefore the lure of being a member of a gang entices them to take what they consider to be that necessary risk for the hope of achieving some sort of respect and success within their milieu.


Indeed, whenever they are enclaves of poverty, of hopelessness, of despair, and of a police force which is seen primarily by those who live within these particular bleak zones as essentially an occupying force meant to keep them in their place, then those that live within those conditions are not in a good place to become good citizens, which is thus further exacerbated by the dysfunctional public schools that have failed to educate them, which therefore lends itself to those that have grown up without a semblance of hope that they will themselves ever amount to much of anything, without then the aid of some other forceful entity, such as a gang.


The thing about gangs is that in a forlorn society in which so many are exploited or taken advantage of, we find that those who do not subsequently make alliances of some meaningful sort are going to therefore be vulnerable to being hurt, for those who have nothing to protect them and nowhere to run, aren’t in a good place, whatsoever.  Further to the point, those who have a low self-image, for they know that their future is bleak, are going to recognize that being a member of a gang, will thereby provide them with the opportunity to have not only the respect of their peers, through that membership, but further to the point, provide them with the ready means to accomplish something that will get them some degree of respect, along often with something tangible that demonstrates their self-worth.


Those who are not permitted the fair opportunity to be successful in the orthodox way so expected of a well-functioning society, because they do not have the necessary tools or opportunity to achieve that success, are going to gravitate to joining together with those who are like-minded and who therefore are willing to risk what little that they have in order to take what they believe should be theirs, by working the angles and underground markets that provide them with the possibility of success, so accomplished by the strength of their gang and ingenuity.  That is to say, gangs are often seen as a calling for the weak and dispossessed, so that when they are joined together they will collectively have power, and with that power, assert themselves so as to get their share, one way or another.

The need to ban cell phones in school by kevin murray

There are plenty of people from older generations who never had to deal with the distraction that cell phones present by the fact that cell phones did not exist at the time that they went to school.  On the other hand, cell phones are so ubiquitous nowadays that a significant percentage of students, even of a very young age, bring their cell phones to school each and every day and thereupon use those cell phones in activities that are typically not relevant to their education.  Further to the point, cell phones in the hands of young people who are in school, serve not only as a constant distraction but also have additional troublesome issues in the sense that the usage of such, combined with social media posts, can easily lead to bullying, inappropriate comments, and activities that are clearly detrimental to the primary task of school, which is learning.  


Look, it has to be recognized, that adults know for a certainty how distracting cell phone usage is, even when that cell phone is set up to be silenced, because anytime that our cell phone vibrates or sends us a signal that there is a text message or email, it serves to break our concentration on the task at hand, and makes us curious instead about what information is on our cell phone.  So too, people can spend an incredible amount of time every day, throughout the day, checking their “feed” on their phone, or posting messages, or reading posts of “friends” on their phone, or in the playing of games, and so on and so forth.  Indeed, since many adults seem incapable of following prudent rules in regard to how they will interact with their cell phone during work hours, it quite obviously indicates that youngsters will be even more challenged with such.


In regards to teachers, it is hard enough to get students to be engaged especially in those subjects, which they give the impression that they don’t care all that much about, as well as to have to deal with not only all the historic distractions that a school class filled with young people can present, but also with the present day trouble of cell phones, that compete against the teacher in the sense of where that student’s mind will be at.  Additionally, there is the danger, that cell phones represent, in which those who lack self-discipline or self-restraint, see cell phones as an easy way to post comments or pictures that are sure to stir up trouble, and if not for that cell phone, that trouble may not have so easily happened or even occurred.


The primary purpose of education is to educate those that are in school, and that which predominately does not serve to benefit those students in the attainment of that valued education is most appropriately represented by the inappropriate use of cell phones.  The fact of the matter is, that those students who cannot resist using their cell phones during class hours are the very same who need to have their cell phones taken out of their hands, in order to at least provide them with a fair opportunity to learn something of import, which is the main function of attending school.

Family heritage by kevin murray

We all come from a family, of which, it’s important in the knowing of ourselves, to know our family, as to its traditions, its heritage, its past, its present, and its possible future, so as to do then our good part to make our fair contribution to our family heritage.  In life, everybody has a story, and if we do not take the time to listen to those stories of our elders, it will be a lot more difficult to understand and to appreciate our family, for within those stories, are going to be life lessons to be learned and to be expanded upon, and if we miss out on that very thing, we are lessened because of it.


It is important to remember that we all go through stages in life, so that, while we might not be able to imagine our grandparents as being children in their day, they were, in fact, children.  So too, the knowledge that they know in regards to their life so lived, has relevance to us, because we are tied to them through not only our interactions with one another, but also through our bloodline, and those who pay fair tribute to those who came before them, are the same that can garner nuggets of wisdom, from our members of the same family tree.


Each of us wants to be remembered but also appreciated, which is why it is so vital for us to spend time, listening to those who have a life full of previously expressed experiences that we can have the opportunity to identify with -- in addition to the important fact, that knowing our family history, helps us to comprehend better who and what we are, through that family background that often serves to explain our own eccentricities, desires, and hopes. 


So too, the thing about stories, is that if we are unwilling to listen to those stories or not to pay much attention to them, then we will miss out on our personal history, to our detriment.   After all, as much as we might believe that the world strictly revolves around just us, the fact of the matter is, that all of us bring something of value to the table, and the more that we know about our family members, old or young, the more that we can appreciate our heritage.


No doubt, sometimes dealing with certain members of our extended family can be difficult, but that isn’t all that much different than the fact that dealing with certain members of society can be difficult.  The difference, though, is that family members are our people, thereby providing us with the opportunity to appreciate where they are coming from.  Indeed, the appropriate time to cherish a family member is when they are amongst the living, for when they depart this world, so do their stories, as well as their personal interaction with us, which is why we need to do our good part, to spend time and devote attention to those that came before us, so that we can meet them in the here and now, for our wise understanding of their immense value.

Hopelessness and despair by kevin murray

America considers itself to be the greatest nation that the world has ever known, but this is belied by the fact that so many of Americans, live lives of abject hopelessness, despair, and frustration.  It is to America’s great discredit that it essentially ignores those who are its most vulnerable, and does not do nearly enough to set the foundation of success for as many Americans, as possible.  Instead, this is a nation, that has a significant separation between those who have it all, as compared to those who have nothing at all, of which, the poor and disadvantaged realistically recognize that they will never have even a foothold of prosperity, in this the richest nation that the world has ever known.


To live in a society, that apparently believes that the rich should always get richer, is to live within a society that has sown the seeds of its very destruction. Indeed, those who have been ruthlessly disregarded and therefore are without hope, as well as those who have been humiliated by being constantly reminded of their failures, which are often not even fairly their own, are those that will remain a thorn in the side of those who are the richest and most powerful entities in America.  To believe, somehow, that millions of Americans, can simply be dismissed day in and day out, of which nothing of substance is done to change what needs to be changed so as to give hope to those that are the most in need of such, is demonstrative of an empty promissory note, that will never be paid in full.


Look, it has to be said, that while we are responsible for the decisions that we make, that quite obviously, those who have nothing and no opportunity, will therefore have no fair pathway to achieve anything of merit, and are going to be inclined to rebel against this injustice, again and again.  The very troubles that we see within America, of civil unrest, of despair, of anger, and of rage, reflect a nation that will not live up to its immortal creed of equality and justice for all, which is thus fairly displayed in the amount of violence, incarceration, and troubles that this nation duly suffers from.


All those who have some semblance of the American dream, are those who basically buy into the belief that America is the land of opportunity, but for those in whom opportunity never presents itself to them, this nation represents the nightmare of being within the confines of that which could provide them with the accouterments of success and a good life, but has cruelly seen that the game has been fixed in which the result for them, has been predetermined and therefore cannot be ever changed in their favor.  To take away hope from another is to take away their incentive to be a good citizen and has replaced such with a desire to either become listless and disinterested, and hence barely living, or else to do their part to have their say, by any means necessary, so that at least, when they meet their fate, they have let it be known that they will not go quietly into the night.

“Your Honor” as a formal salutation for judges must be changed by kevin murray

For whatever reason, judges are accorded the type of respect, that even the President of the United States or our own parents are not privileged with.  That is to say, in a court of law, judges are typically expected to be addressed as “your honor,” but the President of the United States, as exemplified by our founding father, President Washington, insisted on nothing more than the title of Mr. President.  So too, our parents are not ever addressed as something akin to “your lady” or “your lord”; so then, to believe that somehow a judge, should be addressed as something that sounds superior to our parents or to the President of the United States is fundamentally unsound.


In this country, while it is a part of civil discourse, to deal with one another in a polite manner, that respects the other, it has to be said, that “your honor” seems to clearly be not in accordance with a country that specifically believes as per its Constitution that “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States…”  Indeed, it is hard to see a title such as “your honor” as anything other than what stands in as a title of nobility, and therefore this should not be part of our justice system, as there are plenty of alternatives to “your honor” which would still demonstrate respect for the judge, but would not require those judges to be addressed as “your honor” such as Sir or Madam, Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. Judge, or if they have a doctorate, as Dr. Judge.


While there needs to be proper decorum in a courtroom, it is not necessary though that a judge need be addressed as “your honor,” as if any other reasonable salutation is considered to be not respectful enough.  Those who are our court judges are not of more importance than our parents, or of the President of the United States, or many other professions of importance, in which none of those people are ever addressed as “your honor”  or its equivalency.


Additionally, a courtroom should never be a place in which potentially those that are in front of that judge, aren’t judged via the merits of the case, equally applied, but rather are judged by their respect or disrespect to the judge, and of which the facts of the case then are almost an irrelevancy.  Those who are judges should simply be dealt with in a professional manner, and therefore need not be addressed in a way that seemingly confers onto them, the impression of nobility when there are no noble positions within America.  After all, we live in a nation that believes that it should be governed by the people, for the people, and of the people, with equality for all, of which, each person therefore has the same legal rights, and nobody, no matter how educated or esteemed, should be seen as being somehow above the other or the law, but rather, all are under the same law, even those that currently answer to “your honor.”