Be constructive not destructive by kevin murray

What we think, say, and do has a material effect upon others, for better or for worse.  This thus signifies that we need to do our upmost to consider how what we do in our interactions with others, is in sum, a benefit to them, and thereby make it our point to avoid as much as possible being harmful to others in our interactions with them.  While it is good to have good intentions, not everything that we do actually has the intended good effect and when it does not, we need to do our level best to correct such, so as to make things better.  Also, there are those situations in which for whatever reason, we are being mean-spirited to the other, purposely being harmful to them, perhaps as a form of payback, or incivility, or because we are under stress, in which, those that are considerate at heart, thus need to make amends for their bad behavior, and the sooner that they do so, the better.


As non-perfect beings we aren’t always going to make the right decisions, but right decision or wrong, we need to always own up to what has been decided, and if there are things that went wrong, because of those decisions, we ought to do what we can to try to make things right.  To be a constructive person, is to be someone that is helping to make society a better place for their participation in it, and those then that do that very thing, are the very type of people that help society become a better place for their good impact upon it. This then should be our priority in life, to do our good part, to help make this world, a better place through our good constructive actions so committed to help bring this about. 


So then, to get to that place in which we will consistently be constructive to others, as opposed to being destructive, is something that starts with the right thinking and when thereby enacted and done consistently, thus becomes a good habit, of immense worth.  For those, that lack that creativity and discipline to be as constructive as they ought to be, it must be recognized that each one of us has the capability to make the changes that we need to make in order to become a better person.  Each day, we have the opportunity to grow, to stagnate, or to regress, and when we make the effort to become better and stick to it, we are becoming the change that we desire to be, which not only makes us a better person, but helps make our interactions with others, more constructive.  Look, we have a true obligation to overcome our childish ways in which when we can’t get what we want, we whine, we strike out against the other, or we stomp our little feet, of which, all of these particular actions are destructive at their core.  Rather, we need to outgrow our childish inclinations to understand that this world and society, involves some degree of give and take, and thus we need to do as much as we can to be a constructive force in society, and thereby to let go of destructive characteristics that we have such as hate, spite, jealousy, and revenge.  Those then, that are constructive are the very same that help build people up, and freely then let go of their destructive tendencies.

A stitch in time saves nine by kevin murray

We all remember the old adage that “a stitch in time saves nine,” which basically means that it is best to take care of an issue that needs addressing in the here and now, rather than to let such develop into something possibly much more damaging and therefore much worse for us.  When it comes to our character, we should keep in mind that a stitch in time saves nine, for the best time to take care of a character flaw is to address it in the immediate, as compared to letting it slide for another day and another time – for plenty of people have those good intentions to correct what so needs to be corrected, but subsequently lose the concentration and the discipline to actually make amends to that which they already recognize as being a problem that needed to be forthrightly addressed.


Indeed, it has to be admitted, that nobody is born evil or is absolutely destined to become evil, for all of us are born free and clear of evil.  So then, what we develop into, is in essence, at our volition, so determined by the decisions that we make day by day, for better or for worse.  This thus signifies that what so becomes a bad habit, was first of all, not a habit at all, but because we insisted upon doing the same bad thing again and again, it thereby became a habit and because it is now habitual, it is much more difficult for us to correct, even if we have the abiding desire to do so.


This thus indicates that those that become evil, or have developed evil tendencies and habits, don’t just wake up one day, having somehow changed into this persona, but rather, what has typically happened is that they have consistently thought the wrong thoughts and made the wrong decisions, that have thereby developed into something quite toxic for them, as well as for others.  In other words, the bad decisions that we make, which may appear to us initially to be of little or no consequence, are the very actions that thereby creates in us, the damage to our outward fashion that requires a needful stitch, but if we do not address this forthrightly, we will inevitably discover that the one stitch so needed to repair such, will begin to inexorably increase to having a need for more than just that one stitch.


The evil that we do, becomes ever worse, if we don’t address what needs to be addressed in order to mitigate such in a timely and direct manner.  It is a serious character flaw, when we belittle what we have done that is wrong, as being of no real concern, because it is perceived by us as being no big thing.  In truth, it is often those tiny errors of judgment that takes us down a path that is best avoided, because those that believe that little sins and little wrongs, won’t ever add up, are clearly not playing the long game, for repeated errors and bad decisions, are the very basis for why those that aren’t really all that bad at their core, end up becoming quite bad, instead.

The mark of a true friend by kevin murray

It’s important to have good friends, but not every person that we consider to be a good friend, is actually a good friend.  That is to say, not everything that glitters is gold, and those that are unawares are perhaps too credulous for their own good, are thereby the very type of people that may well discover to their ultimate dismay, that a person that they always considered to be a good friend, wasn’t really a good friend, at all.


In order for us to know who a true friend is, we have to first know what the good qualities of a true friend are, and when we don’t know that, than we are indeed quite fortunate when we have obtained a good friend, despite our lack of knowing what those good and necessary qualities are.  For instance, a good friend is the type of friend that knows the difference between what is right and honorable, as contrasted to what is wrong and dishonorable – and further to the point, they will then do their best to discourage us from committing those types of acts which are wrong and thus detrimental to not just our own character, but also are hurtful to other people as well.  Indeed, a true friend is that friend that does what they can to demonstrate in their own behavior and actions the superiority of committing to doing the right thing, as well as the reasoning behind why it is beneficial to do the right thing, as contrasted to doing that which is wrong.  Additionally, a true friend, is that friend that will take the time to explain to us, how it is important that we consistently toe the line and not take then those missteps into wrongness, by displaying the discipline and thus the wisdom of not giving in to temptation, that will ultimately be of harm to us, though perhaps at the moment, it doesn’t seem to be that way.


So too, a true friend is that friend who understands the importance that they have a duty to see that we are ourselves able to develop our thinking so as to utilize our mind in a way and manner that is in keeping with good judgment; in addition a true friend will impress upon us the importance of not only to think for our own self, but to evaluate what we interact with in a way and manner that we learn the difference between right and wrong, which we surely need to know in order to make the right decisions and then to subsequently follow through with the necessary actions to honor properly those decisions so made.  Additionally, a good friend, has taken the time to examine their own life, and thus to understand the purpose of that life, and then has made the wise decision to honor that purpose in all that they say and do – in which, they then encourage us to do the same, because they desire to see us to grow and to thereby become the best person that we can be, in which, by doing so, we together help to make society a better place for our good participation in it.

To know why you believe what you believe is much better rather than to just have blind faith by kevin murray

There are plenty of people that are adherents of a certain religion, who haven't really studied the religion, but just take it pretty much on faith that all is good within that religion, and do not then feel that they need to devote much time or energy to actually comprehending the religion that they profess to be a good member of.  Look, to take things just on blind faith, is something that shouldn't be a default position by anyone of intelligence, unless under the most exigent circumstances, and or when it simply represents common sense.


Each of us has been gifted with a brain, of which it is our duty to develop our intelligence, and then to utilize our thinking process to question that which should be questioned, as compared to blindly to accept things as they are, as being how they should always be.  Those then that have blind faith, especially in those situations in which they are called to have at a minimum, the usage of some degree of discernment and free thinking, are those then that are not fully utilizing the tools that have been provided to them.


Of course, many a government, or an advertiser, as well as a given religion, aren’t really interested in the masses, exhibiting some sort of independent thought and thus to think for themselves, but rather they are basically interested in seeing that what is believed, is what has been proselytized to them, and further they prefer that what has been served to them is accepted as being right, and hence is not ever independently studied or questioned, but just basically accepted as the way that things should be. 


A free thinking person is the type that will do the research and will pursue what needs to be pursued, in order for them to understand and to comprehend things better and therefore to learn, as compared to simply memorizing what has been given them to memorized, without really thinking about what it is, that they have been taught to commit to memory.  In life, many a breakthrough comes from those that are not stuck in their ways, but are actively trying to figure out things in new and innovative ways, and from those steps to therefore increase their knowledge and thus their value to society, at large.


It is vital to recognize that simply asking why, when it comes to information that is being imparted to us, as to its importance or usage, is the first step to useful learning.  Indeed, we need to know the why, in order not only to engage, but also to comprehend at a deeper level, what it is that we are being taught, and why what we are being taught, has relevance to us.   In life, the easy road is to just get along with the prevailing opinion of the time, assuming that this is correct; whereas, the more challenging road is to question that which are conventional beliefs, not so much to overturn them, but rather to understand their value better, and then to the degree that we can do so, to dig deeper and more thoroughly so that we know why we believe what we believe, rather than to just behave like an automaton, so as to accept on faith that which hasn’t been properly examined.

Wars bankrupt nations by kevin murray

There are certain countries that believe in the necessity of war, without seeming to take into account not only the human cost of war, or of the devastating destruction to infrastructure because of those wars, but also the inconvenient fact that many a war does not successfully resolve whatever the problem was that represented the proximate reason for that war in the first place. So then, a reasonable person should have a tendency to believe that nations must do everything possible to avoid or avert war, so as to come to a responsible diplomatic solution, rather than to insist that the way to solve problems must instead come through the sword.


Additionally, there is the monetary cost of war, for the need of soldiers, materials, and the logistics of war necessitate an incredible amount of money that must be expended in order to make war upon the other.  So then, in our modern age, a lot of the expenditures so required for war, actually ends up being borrowed, of which, we read at, that “Through Fiscal Year 2022, the United States federal government has spent and obligated $8 trillion dollars on the post-9/11 wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and elsewhere.”  This thus signifies that because American citizens are as taxpayers responsible for the debt so incurred for these wars so fought on behalf of America, and of which because that money has been borrowed, monetary interest has to be paid in order to service that debt so incurred for those massive war expenditures, that the price of war is quite expensive, indeed.  Further to the point, it is fair to state, that monies expended on war and the debt to such, necessitates a tightening of the belt for those other governmental departments, such as education, welfare, infrastructure, and social services, that are not part of the war effort, which affects what citizens do or do not subsequently get or are entitled to from their governance.


Additionally, the further any nation gets into a spiraling debt, the more vulnerable the coin of the realm will be to depreciation, even to catastrophic depreciation, because when those investors in American bonds, no longer feel the confidence that the monies so borrowed will actually be safely paid back, they are going to demand two basic things: the first is a higher real interest rate of return on their investment because it’s stability has been called into question, and second is that they will desire to see that proper monetary and budget controls are thus put into place so as to stabilize the monetary unit, or else they will have a distinct tendency to find another nation or venue to invest their monies in, more prudently.


Indeed, nations come and nations go, and to believe somehow that the United States of America need not ever worry about the massive deficits it has been running for decades in their reckless desire for the need for endless wars, will definitely be something of which there will be a forceful reckoning.  History, has demonstrated to us, time and time again, wars will not only bankrupt nations, but will also change the very nature of that governance, for better or for worse.

The utter waste of early boarding on airplanes by kevin murray

For those that fly on airplanes, the overall experience is at best, tolerable, and at worse, it's just plain bad.  Not too surprisingly, people want to try to do what they feel that they have to do to better their experience, of which, one of those things that some people insist upon, is early boarding, of which, we do so find that there is a certain percentage of those people that are apparently so eager to get onboard the airplane that they are willing to even pay extra just to board early.


While there are indeed some airlines, that necessitate early boarding in the sense that they do not pre-assign seats, such as Southwest Airlines, most airline carriers provide the passenger with a specific seat assignment.  So then, for all those that have no carry-on luggage and no little kids, there doesn't seem to be any legitimate reason to get on board the plane, earlier than so necessary.  Also, for those that do have carry-on luggage but know for a certainty that they can stow their luggage, such as a backpack, under the seat in front of them, there surely isn't any good reason to board early.  As for those that know that their carry-on luggage must be stowed in the storage bin, that is above them, there is then a reasonable concern that perhaps luggage space will run out for them.


So then, for all those that are quite concern about overhead space, the very first thing for them to do is to find out through the agent at the gate, how full the plane is, and if it isn't real full,  then not to worry about finding space.  The second thing for them to consider is that people are entitled to stow their luggage wherever it will fit, so that a good plan to have when a plane is quite full is to stow one's luggage in the first available bin that presents itself, on the way to one's seat.  Sure, there may well be a situation in which all the bins are full, and perhaps that necessitates some degree of prudence in boarding the plane, but to pay extra to early board seems like an unnecessary expense.


Further to the point, flying on planes is uncomfortable, and those that board early are then sitting in their seats, a heck of a lot longer as compared to those that are still in the airplane lounge area, in which, these people have plenty of room to spread out, finish up tasks, and just be comfortable.  The rush to board any plane, just seems insensible, valid excuse or not, because as long as you are in the line, before the departing gate closes, you will be allowed to board.  All those then that complain about all the contingencies that could go wrong that therefore necessitates their early boarding, need to recognize that this is true of not just boarding airplanes, but life itself, and virtually nobody spends their time in a rush to always be the early bird, when the meeting time isn't going to ever adjust to their early arrival.

The root of all evil has got to be ignorance as well as also the lack of discipline by kevin murray

For a certainty, there is evil in this world, of which, there are many theories about why there is so much evil and why it is so prevalent, in which, the most sensible conclusion to draw is that it must have to do with the fact that we are free will agents, and as free will agents we thus are thereby enabled to think the wrong thoughts, to make the wrong decisions, and to conduct those types of acts which are fundamentally flawed.  Further to the point, there are a fair amount of people that perform evil or inconsiderate acts, that actually profess their belief that they see nothing much wrong with what they are doing, which thus represents ignorance.  So too, there are plenty of people that have a good understanding of what is the right thing to do, but because of temptation or a weak will, lack then the discipline to toe the line and to thereby then consistently to do the right thing.

So then, the very first thing that we need to do, is to remove the false view that we have of our own position in this world, and endeavor to embrace the true view, instead.  After all, those that live in a delusion of their own making because they will not embrace truth or bother to sincerely search for such, are not ever going to be paragons of virtue, because they lack the ready capacity to do so.  Indeed, within each one of us should be an implicit understanding that if we do not know who and what we really are, as well as the inherent principle of what we are supposed to be about, then it will be happenstance as to whether we get to the destination that must so be reached in order to effectively have liberating knowledge.

In life, there are a multitude of ways that we can go about our business, in which, for those that demonstrate aforethought, they understand the importance of the need to comprehend who and what they really are, in essence.  Indeed, there isn't any good point in being on the train that leaves the station, if we haven't been properly prepared for our destination, and  further don't even know whether that destination is even the right place for us to go.  This thus means that we basically need to diligently search for enlightenment so as to overcome the ignorance or misrepresentation of who and what we currently are, so that we can thus take in the right stuff so as to become a liberated being, instead.

Look, we need to get our priorities right, or else we will be susceptible to just spinning our wheels, or end up making the same types of mistakes, again and again.  In western societies, there is a strong emphasis upon material achievement, but this doesn't mean that this is correct – for what we see in society is fairly reflected in all the inequality, discord, and incivility that society so often suffers from.  So then, there must be room for improvement, and there indeed is, for when we are successful in removing the scales from our eyes that blind us, we will overcome the ignorance that hinders us, and when we faithfully embrace the truth, we will say goodbye to falsehood, and thereby destroy the root of evil, and replace such with the resolute flag of truth.

Christian art and its strange obsession of the crucifixion over the resurrection by kevin murray

There are great museums all over the world, of which some of these museums have a serious collection of Christian art.  While it is true that Christ in such art, is depicted in many forms, such as in his birth, or while performing acts from within his ministry, or in his crucifixion – what seems to be missing is that we are often left with virtually none or little art that reflects the resurrection of our Savior.  This is indeed puzzling, because for sincere Christians, if there is no belief in the resurrection so depicted in art, then the mission of Christ, would appear to have ended in tragedy and not ever to be seen as actually being triumphant.


Look, even as good as great art can be, and even as good as great art can affect us in a meaningful way, it has to be said, that seeing paintings of Christ's crucifixion over and over again, but not being able to balance that by seeing not even one resurrection of Christ is disturbing.  Indeed, one of the tenants of Christianity is that Christ rose from the dead, demonstrating that mankind could not kill not only this messenger, but that it could not kill even His body, despite seemingly having done so.  That is a very powerful message, which brings us hope, increases our belief in justice, and helps to make us to have faith that physical death is not ever the end.


The problem with the emphasis upon the crucifixion over the resurrection is that Christian art seems to be fixated that the sacrificial death of Christ is the seminal event of Christ's ministry.  Perhaps this interpretation is correct, but in reality, without the resurrection, Christ becomes nothing much more than a gifted soul, that met what would appear to be an ignoble death at the hands of the Romans.  That is to say, we need the resurrection because the resurrection completes the story of Christ, and hence should itself be emphasized above the crucifixion, so that the more important construct to have is that the birth of Christ, celebrated at Christmas, represents the avatar that is the anointed one, and Christ's resurrection celebrated at Easter, represents that Christ is immortal, unconquerable, and triumphant over the physical form.


At the end of the day, art is art, and if a particular artist wants to concentrate on the crucifixion or has been contracted to do such, then it is what it is.  Nevertheless, from a patron standpoint, there are only so many ways that Christ's crucifixion can be portrayed; whereas, there are a multitude of ways to paint His resurrection, because Christ's resurrection is not physically described in the Bible, which would thus present the opportunity for artists to bring their own interpretation and imagination to the depiction of that resurrection. This thus would mean that there would thereby be a fair multitude of interpretations of Christ's resurrection, which would present to those so viewing such, a fair chance to have a more vivid and more meaningful engagement to that resurrection.

Towards income support for working Americans by kevin murray


The disparity between those few that have it all and the many that are either struggling or just treading water, seems to be getting progressively worse, which thus indicates that this government of, for, and by the people needs to do more on behalf of those that don't have all that much, but yet are themselves hard working Americans.  For a certainty, most people that labor cannot dictate the wages that they will be paid, of which, those that do not make a lot of money, are often going to have to pay the same types of bills that those with pocketfuls’ of money must also pay, but alas must do so with a very short supply of funds.


So then, what we need to see happen at the present time is for this government to come up with a program, that supplements peoples' income on a monthly basis, which should be based upon one's previous years wages and the hours so worked, of which, a reasonable proposal would be to provide financial assistance to all those that have labored at least 1,000 hours in a calendar year, and then their monthly stipend should be based upon the total annual income of that person, structured in a graduated progressive stipend way, in which those that have earned less would get a higher monthly stipend, and those that made more would get less of a stipend, before eventually having this stipend phase out for higher wage earners.


Indeed, for those that are low-income wage earners, knowing that they will be aided by a monthly stipend of up to $1,000 would be of a great material benefit for them, and in consideration that those that are low-wage earners, are often going to be the very same people that will probably spend a significant portion of that money on necessary goods and services within the community that they live in, would essentially mean that this government handout would basically see those monies being circulated within the communities that received such, for the overall benefit and health of that community.


After all, it just seems logical and fair that those that play by the rules but do not make a living wage, or barely are  keeping their heads above water, should be the very same people that this government should desire to lend a helping hand to, because it is these unsung people that help make America great.  In reality, many a person is not actually looking for a direct handout, for they do not want to be perceived as being a beggar, but rather they often want to do their good part to be an integral and vital part of the workforce, but sadly lack the overall compensation package to live a satisfactory life, which is why this government needs to step in, and do their part to backstop their own people, above all, or else the civil unrest and unease that we see around us, will not simmer down, but will instead be susceptible to creating the type of havoc that will effectively end up suppressing the people at a very terrible cost to the integrity of this nation and what it so represents.

A new vision for Social Security by kevin murray

Those that labor and are paid wages for their work are thus compelled by law to pay a specific portion of those wages into the Social Security program, paycheck by paycheck, which will, in theory, ultimately benefit them at their time of retirement by their receipt of a monthly Social Security stipend.  The thing is though is just because Social Security is currently setup one way, does not mean that there isn't a better way or alternative ways to look upon what this government could do for those of retirement age, to help make the lives of those American senior citizens better.


As might be expected in a capitalistic society, there is going to be a huge disparity between people that have labored for many years, but have done so at low wage jobs as compared to those that have been paid substantially better, of which, the senior citizens then that subsequently need the biggest aid from that government of, for, and by the people are those that have limited assets, as well as those that are just barely scraping by. This thus indicates that simply providing a monthly stipend per the current rules and guidelines of Social Security for all those that have paid into Social Security, is probably something that can and should be improved upon, and needs to be, in particular for those that are in the greatest need.


Indeed, a far better vision would be the acknowledgment by this government that there remains a substantial portion of senior citizens that need assistance and specifically assistance for room, board, and healthcare, of which, all of these things should be subsidized, as necessary for them, as well as being readily available for their direct use.  In other words, American governance needs to step up and do more to help those that are its most vulnerable senior citizens, by making Social Security a program that has a distinct mission to support those that definitely need a helping hand.


The proposed reconfigured purpose of our Social Security program should be to not only provide a safety net for its citizens, but also should be to provide the type of assistance that will allow those that are of retirement age to live out their lives in a decent and dignified manner, by receiving the type of help which would permit them to have adequate shelter, nutritional food, and good healthcare, without having to give up something essential to achieve such.  It is well to remember that America is the richest nation that the world has ever known, and if America governance will not take good care of those that have provided their labor which has diligently greased the wheels of its free enterprise system, then something in that governance seriously needs to change, so as to make that to happen, because all those that have played by the rules are deserving of expecting and thereby receiving that which will permit them to not have to stress or worry about how they are going to make ends meet, when their heavy legs and their tired arms cannot carry them any further in their sunset years.

God is justice and therefore there is the necessary law of karma by kevin murray

In Christian western nations,  many a person basically believes that if you are sincere in your admission that Christ is our Savior, who thereby died as our substitute on the cross for our sins, that this essentially permits us to enter the eternity of Heaven, as a forgiven and redeemed soul.  Perhaps this is true, but it sure doesn't seem fair, right, or just, whatsoever; and further to the point, what we know about God is that God is inerrant, omniscient, and is absolutely just in all that God judges upon.  This thus reflects that as in many a thing, we have a fair amount of people who readily believe that there is somehow a way to escape justice, when, in fact, that escape only seemingly exists in this world, but in actuality, does not actually exist, at all.

It is important to comprehend and to understand that for every action there is a corresponding reaction, so that what we so think, do, and act upon has an effect upon not only our own self, but also upon others, and when we have made errors in judgment that have unduly hurt someone else, there thus has to be some sort of consequence to that, or else our place in this world is senseless, and basically then it has neither rhyme nor reason.

For a certainty, there is order within the domain of God, and if we ourselves cannot see that order, or prefer to ignore that order, we do so to our own detriment.  This thus signifies that each of us should want to examine our own life, so as to understand our good purpose, and then to behave in a way and manner that is consistent to that purpose of our existence.  Those then that ignore that sage advice in the present, are going to have to face up to the consequences of such a mistaken viewpoint in the future.  So too, those that know better, but cannot seem to hold the line on doing the right thing, are going to have to keep trying, again and again, until they are able to display the discipline to thereby do the right thing.

It is a great shame, to actually believe that our works don't matter, for they for a certainty do matter, whether those acts are good or whether they are bad.  It is well to remember, that this world, represents a testing ground, that represents a fair chance for each of us to prove our fidelity to God and to thus provide to others, the seeds and acts that will help make society a better place for our participation in it.

God does not give up on anyone or on any being, and God never will, of which, within our essence is everything that we need to draw upon  so as to become that which we are surely destined to be.  It is up to us, to meet that challenge, and when we fail in such, we will be provided with the fair opportunity to try again and again, until we find the promised land, fairly earned by our own volition, and often done so through the valued help of those that are wise and caring.

Integrity means not telling lies by kevin murray

There are numerous reasons why a given person will tell a falsehood, such as to protect themselves, or to protect another person, or to not be found wanting, or to not be held accountable and so on. The thing is that lying has a way of coming back to haunt us, because when people feel that what we are saying is rather suspect, it hurts our credibility with them. Basically, when a liar has been found out, people have a tendency not to believe what they are saying, because they don't trust them and because of that lack of trust, they don't believe them, even when they actually are telling the truth.

Look, it has to be said, people of real integrity don't tell lies, or else they wouldn't be people of integrity and for all those that wish then to reach that high standard, they are going to have to make up their mind that telling lies must not be part and parcel of their makeup. Those then that determine that they will be people of integrity, must be on guard to be that very thing, all of the time, for if there is a chink in their armor, this then will reflect that they haven't obtained what they need to have obtained, so as to be that person of integrity.

The reputation that we develop may or may not be totally fair, but it is probably quite fair to say, that those that have a reputation of untruthfulness and those that have a reputation for truthfulness are probably correctly categorized, for people can only be fooled for so long, before they begin to figure out that not all is right with those that are actually being deceptive to them; whereas, for those that are honest, such will mesh up well with the crosscheck so made by people to verify their veracity, and those that are consistently true are thus categorized as being honest with us.

So too, the problem with lying to people, is that it is hard to keep track of every single lie and who that lie was spoken to, for people will lie one way to one person, and another way to another person, making it difficult to keep it straight in their own mind, exactly what they said and to whom. On the other hand, those that tell the truth, don't need to worry about keeping their story straight, for their story is always the same, subject to honest mistakes, like forgetfulness.

So then, if you want people to actually believe what you are saying, the surest pathway to accomplish that goal is to be a person of integrity, and even if previously you were not such an honest person, the bottom line is that your reputation will eventually catch up to who and what you presently are. As for those that don't care so much about being honest, they must surely recognize, that their dishonesty will often by met by other people that will be dishonest to them, for like attracts like.

If you do not wish the best for the other, you surely then do not love them by kevin murray

Love is one of those types of words, that for many a person, this is thereby fairly easily expressed and not so easily lived. For an absolute fact, to tell someone that you love them, but do not at the same time, desire the best for them, reflects clearly that you cannot possibly actually love them, at all. That is to say, love isn't selfish, but rather love properly expressed, signifies that we desire the same good for our neighbor as we would wish for our very self, no more and no less. So then, to not be able to will the good for the other, is a character flaw, that each of us should desire to overcome, which when successfully dealt with, will thus make society a better place for our participation in it.

Look, to will the good of the other, when we have a very competitive spirit, or are selfish or greedy in our mindset and actions is not going to be an easy task, but we have to recognize in fairness that if we will not will the good of the other, then why should we expect them to will the good for us. So too, there isn't any point in taking on the guise of good manners if we aren't actively doing what we can to help bring out the best in others. In other words, to wish the best for the other, and to actually say that to them, but secretly not to really desire that, is hypocrisy, which is to a certain extent, worse than those that are upfront and to the point of what they do or don't care about when it comes to the other, as opposed to those that say what people want to hear, but are being dishonest about it.

The thing about human nature, especially in those western nations that emphasize competition as opposed to collaboration, is that a lot of people allow their competitive spirit to affect their mindset, so that they are worried that if they actually do wish the best for the other, that it will come at their personal expense, and because they do not desire to “lose” in this type of situation, they don't actually wish the best for the other. So too, this is the same sort of scenario that affects personal relationships, in which, many a person, doesn't want to be subservient to or to lose face to the other, so they can't really honestly wish the best for the other, but rather they basically wish that the other does well, but not exceedingly well, because they worry that this will come at their personal expense. Indeed, there are very few people that are willing to as John the Baptist so did, express themselves in this manner that “He must increase, but I must decrease,” (John 3:30). Those that do so, though, are those that truly do wish the best for the other, and do so out of an unselfish and undying love.

The essential right to privacy by kevin murray

Privacy is something that is typically quite important to most people, of which, ordinary people understand the prudence and value of having what they so desire to be private, remain private. The thing is that we live in a modern age, in which, never have so many ordinary people been essentially placed in the uncomfortable position of not themselves being truly in the driver’s seat of what information about themselves, that ends up thereby being circulated to the general public. That is to say, a lot of people, really don’t comprehend social media, and how insidious that social media can be when it comes to who does and who does not control that person’s information. It is, to a very large extent, social media that has taken ordinary people that are living fairly ordinary lives, that thus places these people into the somewhat vulnerable position of having what they consider to be basically their life events, being freely available for the general public to comment and to gaze upon.

No doubt, social media companies have those many pages of Terms and Conditions that permits them to thus do whatever that they so do, subject to those Terms and Conditions which users are pretty much compelled to agree to in order to use that social media platform; and further to the point, undoubtedly there are options available to the user that permits them, if they can even find these options or know about them, to seem to be able to somewhat control how their information is disseminated. The bottom line, though, is that as currently structured those that use social media, really don’t understand how public the information that they post can readily become, and how this information can then travel to all sorts of different places, websites, sponsors, and advertisers.

So too, the biggest social media users are young in age, and are still maturing in mind and body, so that what they have posted at a previous day and age may not be something that they wish to see continue to be exposed and commented upon, forever. So then, it is essential that social media sites, should be regulated in a way and manner in which those that wish to exert their right to privacy, have the right to erase previous posts and the tentacles to those posts, so as to achieve dominion over their own private lives.

Indeed, we have the natural right to be simply left alone, and we should as sovereign individuals be able to have the right to our own thoughts, our own musings, and our own pictures and videos, Those then that have control of their own privacy and are protected by their governance in that right, are people that have secured their essential right to privacy. This privacy right is necessary because prudence dictates that we should be able to live within a society in which our person, our property, and our comings and goings, are ours to own, second to no social media company or government.

In defense of anonymity by kevin murray

We live in a very strange and dangerous age, in which, certain well-placed people and organizations feel that they are permitted to “dox” out other individuals, so as to give out their personal information, as in their legal name, address of record, employment, school affiliation and so forth. The truth of the matter is that anonymity is a very powerful as well as necessary tool for those that are the unorthodox, the heterodox, the non-conformers, the free thinkers, and the discreet, so as for them to have their say, without having to divulge who and what they really are, but instead they let their words do the talking for them.

Indeed, anonymity has been with America, since we were colonists, in which Benjamin Franklin, used his prodigious intellect to come up with a multitude of different anonymous identities, which was so done at his discretion and for the greater benefit of the people. So too, the Federalist papers, was written under the pseudonym of “Publius,” which was an important forum so as to forcefully debate the merits and demerits of the proposed Constitution of the United States. For a certainty, those that are of the status quo, are typically not fans of anonymity, especially feeling anathema for all those that oppose or criticize them, because they want to be able to intimidate, manipulate, arrest, or coerce their critics so as to effectively silence their voice.

The reason that we need anonymity and will continue to need anonymity is to avoid the tyranny of the majority or of the elite, because that majority or elite are so often intolerant of that which opposes them, and wishes to “out” all those that have the audacity to stand up to them-- mainly because the status quo selfishly wants things to remain just the way that they currently are, without then having to deal with inconvenient dissent. So too, when a people have the right to freedom of speech, and of assembly, and of the free press, but are living within a construct, in which these rights are basically assaulted by those that are in power, through various forms of intimidation, then the people do not have much of a choice, if they so desire to continue to have a voice, then to say what they have to say, and to do what they have to do, through the aegis of anonymity.

Each of us is entitled to have our own voice, and further we are each entitled to voice that which interests us in a way and form that we feel comfortable with, which includes anonymity. Those that do such, are freely expressing their Constitutional protected rights which they have the clear right to do. We, the people, have consented to this government, because that government was created to secure the rights of the people, so that they could freely express themselves as well as to go about their business as they best see fit, subject only to the laws and rules of that governance. Those then, that are opposed to the people having their own voice, expressed in their own way, anonymous or not, are those that are inimical to the very Constitution that they must themselves adhere to.

Big business, big government, big trouble by kevin murray

There was a time when America was essentially a farming community, with local production of many of the products so utilized, as well as also the trading of goods manufactured both domestically and internationally. So then, back when our Constitution was written, there weren’t any big corporations, there wasn’t a big federal government, and there wasn’t centralized control of the economy, whatsoever. That is to say, back in the founding days of America, people were mainly dependent upon their own ingenuity and work ethic to thereby create a living standard that was acceptable for them.

The modern age that we now live in, is an age in which the smalltown farmer is either non-existent, or a non-entity, so that the crops that we grow and the livestock that we raise, are essentially in the hands or the control of large conglomerates that manage or own a very sizeable portion of those businesses. In regards to our federal government, its impact upon everyday citizens can be quite extensive, for it is that government that through the mandated taxation of its citizens, gets first its funding from those citizens and then thus gets its hands involved in just about very aspect of many a person’s life, such as in healthcare, shelter, unemployment and employment assistance, aid to families, and so on and so forth.

So too, we live in an era which has outgrown the sole entrepreneur, and has replaced such with the artificial creation of the state, which are corporations, of which, these corporations are perpetual, ever growing, and quite influential in their impact upon policies so enacted within these United States. In fact, corporations are so large in America, that a few of these corporations have had profits that have exceeded over $100 billion in a single year, which is not only absolutely astonishing, but is to a great extent, something that citizens should be rightly concerned about, because lots and lots of concentrated corporate money is a source of immense and outsized power, that can easily circumvent or overcome our democratic traditions.

Further to the point, when big business and big government, have made a conscious decision to work together, hand in glove, then those that are its private citizens who are concerned about the dangers of such a combined awesome force, are going to find that their voice to their dismay really doesn’t matter at all. In other words, despite the fact, that we live within a capitalistic free enterprise system, in which, corporations are meant to compete against one another, we find that to a very large extent, large corporations are often unified in their collective desire to become an essential and thus integral part of what this federal government depends upon, which becomes very good business for those big businesses, because it, in effect, locks out future competition, and thus secures present business and thereby a steady stream of income for those big corporations. Indeed, it can be said that despite the fact that America still has a multitude of small enterprises, proprietorships, and entrepreneurs, that their voice together is pretty much fragmented and impotent; whereas, big government and big business are pretty much joined at the hip, with their joint objective being to milk as much as they can from the general public.

Why too big to fail is bad business by kevin murray

Let’s face it, in a supposed free enterprise economy, to have a business that is extremely large and influential enough, as well as also encompassing important and vital interests of the state, is thereby the type of business that can pretty much write its own ticket, because that which is considered to be too big to fail, or too vital to ever lose, means that this business enterprise can therefore take on outsized risks and thus become a potential moral hazard to this nation because it is ultimately backed by the very government, itself, at the expense of the people, thereby effectively hurting other companies’ prospects that are not thus afforded the same type of protection or favoritism.

Look, the thing about capitalism, is that there shouldn’t be any guarantees that a particular business cannot ever go out of business, but rather businesses should fairly compete against one another, in which, in essence, the strong and robust survive, and those that are less efficient, less innovative, or poorly managed, suffer their just deserts for their failure to successfully compete at the level that they need to be at. So too, it is a significant mistake for this governance to believe that somehow bigger is always better, when it could be stated, that there is much more safety in having many smaller enterprises that can get those necessary things successfully done, then to have all of our collective eggs in just one basket.

Indeed, the bigger that an enterprise is, the greater will be its fall should that fall so come, and thus upon that fall the negative implication for the economy, in whole; whereas, where there are many smaller enterprises, their individual failure, may indeed have implications, but such is much more localized and will not then have the same sort of negative impact as a business that has its talons in just about everything. Additionally, all those companies that believe that they are an irreplaceable cog in the machine of this nation, are the very same companies that will be able to garner the type of special privileges that other enterprises are not privy to or afforded to have.

That which is too big to fail, have an inherent advantage over every other single enterprise that is not backstopped by this government, which therefore means that all the inefficiencies, errors, bad decisions, and inept management that too big to fail companies exhibit, are ultimate borne by the people that make up this nation. So too, when innovative companies that could compete with these behemoths on some level, or take away some portion of the business that too big to fail companies have, but are precluded from doing so, because this government permits them to merge into, or be bought from those very same too big to fail companies then the very problem that currently exists, only worsens.

If indeed the business of America is business, then what America needs to actually accomplish, first and foremost, is to understand that businesses that are too big to fail, are bad business, and further that these too big to fail businesses are inimical to our free enterprise system, through and through.

Ban facial recognition technology by kevin murray

The very first thing to recognize is not everything so invented or discovered is something that should actually be utilized, for there are many things which are inimical to humans, even so far as to be totally destructive to the entire human race, such as atomic weapons, which should properly be forever banned.  So too, there are things within technology which are impressive in the sense that they actually work quite well, but that should not be part and parcel of our society, whatsoever.  One of those noxious things is facial recognition software which is at the present time good enough, to really be able to consistently identify a person correctly, at a very high success rate.  While law enforcement and government agencies of all stripes sing the praises of the necessity and value of facial recognition software, the general public, should not be fooled, for not only is information a source of immense power over the other, but such power in the hands of law enforcement and governmental agencies, changes the relationship and thus the dynamic between the people and their governance, in a way and manner that the people are for all practical purposes, forever subservient to that government.


So too, the usage of facial recognition software is already an application that is basically available to the general public, which means that people that we do not know, and don’t care to know, and wouldn’t ever desire to have them to know us, have the capability to know who we are, which is extremely dangerous when such is in the hands of someone that is going to behave as a bad actor.  As bad as that can be, to have those that are of an impressionable age be placed within a construct, in which a stranger in the street, through the usage of facial recognition software combined with access to social media accounts, as well as other skills brought to fore, can know who that person is in regards to things such as their name, their address, and their likes and dislikes, places that person so exposed in an incredibly vulnerable position which they are essentially unawares that they are even in.


It could be said, that many a tool or application can be used for good, as well as for bad, but when it comes to facial recognition software, the inherent dangers of this application are so great that this tool needs to be completely and fully banned.  Look, to live within a community in which people know one another, is absolutely fine, for that knowledge is a two-way street and is part of how we interact with one another in a civil society.  On the other hand, to permit governmental agencies or complete strangers to know everything about us, through facial recognition software is definitely a clear menace to the individual and should not be tolerated, whatsoever, for any reason.  Yet, that said, the crux of the problem is that law enforcement as well as certain governmental agencies are very reluctant to give up the incredible power that facial recognition software provides to them, for they recognize that this provides them with a very powerful tool that will permit them to better monitor, manipulate, and to control the general public at the behest of the powers that be.

Big, bad marijuana by kevin murray

The cannabis industry has done a stellar job in convincing a significant portion of the public that marijuana poses no problems or harm to those that are the users of such, which is the proximate reason why so many States have legalized, or decriminalized, or have permitted marijuana to be prescribed for medicinal purposes.  The thing is that just because something is alleged to do no harm, or perhaps even to provide some sort of benefit, does not in and of itself, mean that this is actually true.

We read at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), that “Evidence suggests that cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident.”  In consideration, that vehicle accidents and fatalities in this age of ubiquitous cell phone usage have actually gone up in recent years, despite the fact that cars have never had more safety features so provided to drivers to aid them, indicates that all avenues need to be thoroughly investigated so as to determine whether the usage of cannabis is indeed a meaningful contributing factor to those accidents and fatalities.


Additionally, NASEM, reports that “evidence suggests that in states where cannabis use is legal, there is increased risk of unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children.”  Indeed, one would think that the first order of business of the governance of this nation would be to protect our children from harms and dangers that need not and should not occur.  The fact that cannabis is available in forms that are edible and are configured in a way that may well appeal to children should be something that needs a much more vigorous regulation of, so that innocent young parties will not be harmed by that which is of clear material harm to them.


Additionally, we know that smoking cigarettes is a major contributing factor to emphysema and chronic bronchitis, so that logic would seem to dictate to us that those that smoke marijuana on a consistent basis would themselves be reasonably susceptible to those same sort of issues, of which, NASEM tells us that “evidence reviewed by the committee suggests that smoking cannabis on a regular basis is associated with more frequent chronic bronchitis episodes and worse respiratory symptoms.”


So too, the “high” of marijuana, disturbs and discombobulates the thinking process of the brain, in which, NASEM states that “The committee found that learning, memory, and attention are impaired after immediate cannabis use.”  This should come as no real surprise, since cannabis users, use cannabis, because of what it so does to their mind and the resultant feelings that so ensue.  Additionally, it also has to be stated, that as NASEM reports, “The evidence reviewed by the committee suggests that cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders, and to a lesser extent depression,”  which clearly is indicative that not all is right with cannabis use.


Indeed, the evidence that cannabis usage is free of any real problems or bad events is belied by this important and well-researched report so generated by NASEM, of which, this nation has a responsibility to first do no harm to its own citizens – as well as the fact that it also has an inherent responsibility to help be a prudent watchdog to those that are its citizens, and especially to do right by those that are its children.  In short, it has to be said, that when reliable and salient information comes to the fore, which contradicts what has been propagated and believed by the public, to then not follow through and thereby do something of substance to counteract this bad event, is surely government malfeasance.

E pluribus unum by kevin murray

The above Latin phrase is best translated as “out of many, one.”  It is to the credit of the United States of America, that this is indeed its motto, so shown upon its monetary unit, its seals, as well as its passports.  So too, the fact that America is made up of fifty States, duly united, to thus form a “more perfect union,” reflects that the founding vision of this country is for the peoples of such, that have different backgrounds, different economic statuses, different creeds, and are of different races, that they are meant to fully unite under the color of the flag of the United States, which represents freedom, liberty, and justice for all.


So too, this signifies that the reason that there are so many of us on planet earth is to provide us the fair opportunity to take what appears to be differences between one another, and thus find some commonality of good principles, so as to build a foundation that is good for society and beneficial for all.  Sure, it isn’t easy to get along with everyone, and not everyone desires to get along with us, but it is our obligation to do our level best to see that we are focused upon the fact that we are meant as individuals to work together, because each of has a definite part to play in order to bring about the wholeness that thus makes the diversity of this world, to be eventually molded into one.


The very best things in life, require not only concentrated and good effort from each of us, but also necessitates the right thinking and the wherewithal to keep on doing what needs to be done to get ever closer to the goal so earnestly desired.  That which is easy to obtain, probably is not that which will bring lasting happiness or joy to us, but rather often represents, at best, a temporary respite, which is not thus good enough to satisfy us wholly, for we know that we haven’t yet exerted enough blood, sweat, and tears to get the prize which is absolutely priceless.


The divisions that we seem to have one to another, can surely be overcome when we recognize that our ultimate success is never going to be because of just our own herculean effort, but rather we make progress brick by brick, and precept by precept, so as to gather our hands together to achieve those types of meaningful goals, which necessitate that the people work together in harmony and togetherness to succeed at such. 


In this world, we will be challenged, and the greatest challenge that we have is to recognize in the other, that they are our equal in every aspect, deserving of the same fair opportunity to better themselves and thus together to better the society that we are an integral part of.  Those then that take the time to be the repairer of the breach that separates us, are the very same people, that are building the necessary bridge that will carry us forth into the promised land, awaiting only, those that are the many, to walk there together, hand-in-hand.