Most people strongly desire to be happy. That said, though, even those that basically desire to be happy, recognize that there are going to be those certain times, in which, not only should they not be happy, because it would be inappropriate, but also it has to be taken into fair consideration that being happy all of the time, no matter the circumstances, so of, wouldn’t seem right. Still, at the end of the day, people want to be happy, but when we take a look around at our society, it has to be duly noted that many a person is not only not happy all that often, but that even those that seem to be happy, are frequently unable to sustain the happiness, over an extended period of time.
The proximate reason of why so many aren’t able to sustain their happiness for all that long, has often something to do with the circumstances that they are engaged with, as well as also the general conditions that they are involved with, and finally there is the aspect of their basic overall personality which influences how happy they will feel. Yet, behind the scenes we find that one of the troubling aspects of happiness is that a whole lot of people aren’t really adept at living in the moment, but rather suffer from some form of worry or anxiety that since the happiness that they are currently experiencing, is going to end for a certainty, this then bothers them.
In other words, a whole bunch of people see happiness as one of those things which is fleeting, perhaps because the way that they define happiness has an awful lot to do with what is specifically happening to them, and if they don’t like what is going on, they aren’t going to be happy. This is further compounded by the fact that those that make it their point, that the only time that they are going to be happy is when they are getting their heart’s desires, are surely going to suffer then from a fair amount of unhappiness, because desires being met, are typically dependent upon circumstances in regards to other people or events, that are seldom completely at one’s personal control.
When it comes to our happiness, the things that we do have control over are our attitude, our volition, our thinking, and our actions. This signifies that if we would truly desire to be happier, more often, then we need to seriously consider that we should be less concerned about our external circumstances and expectations, and concentrate far more upon our internal attitude and fortitude, along with the good understanding that in the assistance and service to others, that our satisfaction in the knowing that we have played our good and necessary part in the provision of beneficence to those others, typically provides us with a priceless happiness.
So then, to overcome our unease of having just that temporary happiness, recognize that we need to change our focus to understand that lasting happiness begins when we concentrate on doing what we are able to do to help bring happiness to others, and what we will often receive in return, is that knowing happiness of having done right through our thoughtful and good deeds.