There are plenty of people that believe in the power of prayer, and even more so, when they are in difficult or problematic situation. So too, there are many people that want to help those that are in some sort of crisis, of which, one of those things so offered, is to pray for or with them. Yet, think about it, a basic generic prayer for someone, though it may have some value, is never the same thing, as a more focused prayer that directly addresses what the actual problem is that needs to be resolved. After all, when our Messiah was walking the earth with us, those praying for His healing power, had specific things that they needed, in order to, for instance, to receive sight, or to walk, and this they so boldly asked for. So then, when we have a friend in need, that we want to offer a prayer for, it is sensible to ask that person what they specifically would wish to have be addressed by prayer.
We do so find that in life, many of us have goals that we want to achieve, of which, some people have a very basic outline of what they want to achieve, such as, to just have a better life – whereas, others are far more specific in what they are trying to achieve, and not only write down what their goals are, but also write down the steps so needed to realistically achieve that goal. Not too surprisingly, the more specific a given goal is, and the more intent we are on achieving each of those steps to get to that goal, the more often, that desired result so occurs. So too, in praying, it is of immense value, to be specific to what is so desired in that prayer, so that the concentration and the focus of that prayer can be directed intensely upon what is so needed.
The results that we achieve in life have an awful lot to do with the planning, the effort, and the throughput so generated by us. Those then of little faith, that pray little generic prayers, will typically get the type of result that one would expect from prayer so done in a rote and mechanical way. On the other hand, those that understand best that with God, all things are truly possible, are the type of people that are going to get things done that seem impossible to others. That doesn’t mean, of course, that all we pray about fervently, always comes true, but it does so indicate that those of great faith, that are specific and focused upon praying for that which has value are going to be much more successful in their prayerful act, than those that aren’t so engaged.
There are many a person that needs a helping hand, and of which, we aren’t ourselves always qualified to provide them with that helping hand, because we may lack the skill-set that they are so seeking – but know this for a certainty, we can, at a minimum, find out what ails them, and then do our level best to pray to our omnipotent God that it so be done, in God’s good name.