We read in Holy Scripture “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” (Mark 2: 27) This tells us that those that obey what they believe to be the letter of the law, as opposed to the spirit of the law, have got their priorities wrong, for God is our benefactor as compared to being our constant taskmaster, who insists that we obey God’s Commandments, without deviation, or thought.
The reason why the Sabbath is so important is that during six days of the week, we typically have to devote ourselves to all that which will sustain us, by laboring, and through taking care of our day to day tasks, diligently, of which, if there was no Sabbath, thereby signifying that there was not even one day out of the week, in which, we were entitled to rest from our efforts, life would soon become one of drudgery, as compared to providing us with the fair opportunity to benefit from the goodness that God’s provisions as well as the society that we are an active member of, can provide for us. This is why it is crucial, to walk away from our daily labors, on one designated day of the week, not so much to rest, but rather as the opportunity to contemplate and to study our purpose as gifted to us by God, as well as to let our body take a backseat to such contemplation, for we have been provided with a mind, that should take in far more than what we typically have to deal with on a daily basis.
In this hi-energy world there is a tendency to believe that there are all sorts of tasks and duties that we simply must always attend to, or else dire consequences we will face, but those that take their foot off of the proverbial pedal, to actually consider that life may consist of something far more comprehensive, than our common everyday activities, are the very same, that are utilizing their mind to search for the abiding meaning in life, which will allow them thereby to get a better perspective on what life on this earthly plane is actually all about.
Each of us should take the time to reset ourselves and to understand better that we need the Sabbath as our ever-present aid in trouble or in good times, to give us the opportunity to devote ourselves to that which is the actuator of our very being, which will thereby permit us to evaluate as to whether we are on the correct path with the correct destination, or perhaps have wandered away, even far way, from where we ought to be. The Sabbath should be seen as our North Star, enlightening us as to who and what we really are, and thereby leading us to where we need to be, for in the hurly-burly of modern life, it is easy to get distracted on those lesser things, which really don’t mean all that much in totality, as opposed to pressing on to those necessary things, and thereby finding that which will provide us with eternal satisfaction and peace.