The very first thing to recognize about eternity, is the fact that eternity is a very, very long time. This would seem to indicate that for those that find that their final destination appears to be Heaven, that after they re-introduce themselves to loved ones and the joy, so of, that there may well be a tendency to eventually degenerate into having arguments and disagreements about this or that, because, there is only so much time one can devote to just being at peace and existing within harmony, before the troubles that we were not successful in overcoming in this world, would begin to reassert themselves. This would seem to indicate that for all those who have unfinished business and are arriving in Heaven, they are going to eventually gravitate to desiring to take care of that unfinished business, which if permitted would make Heaven not to be a sanctuary, but rather, would make Heaven to be a realm of chaos, instead.
In reality, the nuances of Heaven are myriad, of which, those that have developed well the very best characteristics of, for instance, justice, love, patience, endurance, perseverance, and consideration are going to be at a whole different level than those that weren’t able to conquer or control their emotions for they remain inclined to suffer from feelings to others of vengeance, hatred, intolerance, are themselves prone to lethargy, lack initiative, or are uncaring. These types of characteristics are clearly quite different from one another which is why Heaven cannot be, and is not, some cacophony of different entities at one another’s throats, so to speak, because that which has not been successfully resolved in this world, are the very same, that have yet to be resolved in the Heavenly dimension.
Indeed, to believe that simply adhering to some orthodox religious belief will somehow be good enough to remain in good company, when departing this earth, is neither conceivable nor possible. Rather, the good deeds and good characteristics we take with us to the dimension beyond earth, as well as that which is classified as bad deeds and bad characteristics, are ours to own, also; of which, it is our responsibility to correct what needs to be corrected, because within the dimension of Heaven, there is a distinct hierarchy, of which, those that are more advanced have properly risen within that hierarchy, and those that have not, are placed at a designated lower level, with the fair opportunity to improve their status.
The object of the exercise, therefore, in the realm of Heaven, is to eventually get to that designated place in which we become a pillar in the endless palace rooms of God, of which, in our determination to re-unite with our Creator, there becomes a state of Oneness obtained, of which, once that occurs, we become fully cognizant of the eternal blissfulness of God, no more to believe in the apparent dualities of our previous existence, but rather in the sure knowledge that we are forever in that eternal safe sanctuary of no beginning and of no end.