The problem with any form of governance is that given enough time, those who should do right by the people that they are supposed to serve, instead concentrate on the favoring of the very few at the expense of the very many, which signifies that the very principles behind such a Declaration have essentially been both betrayed and bastardized which is indeed the case when it comes to the United States of America.
One of the seminal issues that America suffers from is the fact that it has never truly lived up to its creed, that all humankind is created equal and has thereby inherent unalienable rights. Indeed, as this country ages, it seems that the equality under the law that we should see in America, which ideally should not be any respecter of any person, but should be equally applied to all, clearly favors those that are the wealthiest, the best positioned, and the most powerful, which reflects that noble declaratory words or not, that this nation does quite poorly in living up to one of its foundational tenets. So too, the very point of this governance, is not to prioritize above all else having the greatest military and policing force that the world has ever known, or to kowtow to artificial creations of the state, such as our behemoth mega profit-making corporations but rather this government’s primary purpose must be to defend and to protect our individual unalienable rights, above all. Yet, those rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, amongst others of the same ilk, are consistently undercut by a government that insists on extracting from its people, that it is supposed to serve, for example, all actionable information about each of its citizens, mainly because that information is a form of invasive and intrusive power, which regrettably when utilized by that same governance is far too often done in a way and manner that infringes upon the people’s freedom and happiness.
Additionally, governments have a habit of accruing onto themselves, more and more power, which signifies that the people, themselves, have less and less individual power. While there might even be some valid reasons why a powerful government could be beneficial for the people, we find that the governance of this nation, far too often, uses that power clearly as an instrument to manipulate and to control the population to the satisfaction of those that are the true actuators of this government, thus circumventing the rights of the people, in service of often an unelected and all-consuming power.
All of the above means that the dissatisfaction that so many citizens feel at present has everything to do with a government that is not in harmony with its own Declaration of Independence, as if today’s leaders, hidden or otherwise, know better, than those that risked it all back in the day, in the pursuit of that which they believed would be a beacon of liberating light not only for its own people but for the world, at large, demonstrating that the best government is that government which concentrates its energy and efforts upon defending the unalienable rights of its people, above all.