Heaven is our heritage, as expressed above by the poet Thomas Nashe, of which, we find that the more people that actually believed in the truth of this sentiment, the better perspective we would have on what life represents in this world. It is rather sad, that so many people and the societies that are made of those people are absolutely serious that everything that occurs in this world, is the most important thing going, but don’t behave accordingly. Indeed, it would be one thing, if those who espoused that belief, thereby lived their respective lives with purpose and principle, but alas, many a person who knows better, isn’t able to follow through with interacting consistently with people by being kind, considerate, and caring.
So too, the sadness that so many people feel when they lose a loved one or see an injustice played out again and again would be better mitigated if we were to understand that this world, represents a proving ground, that tests our character in the “stress tests” of life, which enables us to prove our mettle or to be found out to be untrue with what we should be about. However, the crux of the matter is, that as players on a stage, each of us has a role to play, and as long as we desire to participate in that play, we will have the fair opportunity to take on many a role, thereby giving us the fair chance to prove that we will have not only learned our lessons well but also, more importantly, that we have applied them for a useful and good purpose.
Indeed, all the unfairness that we perceive, of how some people seem to have it so easy; whereas, others, have it so difficult, should provide us with the first clue, that the object of the exercise is to do our level best with the tools that we have at our disposal. So too, the temptations that we encounter are there for us to contend with, so that we are given ample opportunity to prove that our strength of character is greater than what is tempting us, which thereupon affects the role that we are playing.
Additionally, the interplay of good and bad is necessary, or else this world without any evil or free choice would be a construct of boredom and tedium, serving no good purpose, of which, when there comes that time when there truly is peace of earth, the earth, itself, will no longer exist, for it has truly run its course. So then, the times on earth that we are an integral part of, are our opportunity to have our say upon the player’s stage, and those that are up to the task, are the same that graduate into being what they were always meant to be, which should be the abiding desire of all those that are sensible and perceptive, for that which is our heritage, is never going to be earth, for the earth is no more than a player’s stage, which in due time, the final act will play out and the curtain will close.