In this world, there are plenty of people who are afraid of death, for they believe, wrongly, that physical death is the destruction of who and what they really are. Of course, when this is an individual’s belief, death is certainly something to be not only fearful of but when death also comes to the other that we care deeply about, it is quite distressing. However, the truth of the matter is, that the real reason why so many people are fearful of death, is not just because they fear that their very existence becomes completely and irrevocably gone but also because they are afraid of the unknown, the unseen, and the undiscovered.
The thing that more people need to understand is that our worldly existence is meant to be a “proving ground,” and because of this construct, we are provided with the raiment of a physical body, along with a free-will mind that thereby permits us to make decisions that are beneficial or not, through the actions that we take within this sphere. We are therefore mortal in this life, because it is necessary for us to experience the fair consequences for what we think, say, and do, of which, through those consequences, we thereby learn the better way to enlighten ourselves as to the very purpose of our existence. That is to say, we will be tested, time and time again, of which, those who learn their lessons well and thereby apply them correctly will graduate from this world into the recognition of their true immortal existence, and those who don’t will instead cycle back to this plane.
So then, the structure of this world is real in the sense, that there are consequences which must be met, good or bad, by each one of us. Those then, who make mistakes that do not readily correct themselves, and are also stuck within a thinking process that does not appear to be subject to change, would themselves, be living in a type of hell, if this physical life, was immortal, because they aren’t progressing, at all, but rather are becoming more fixated in a mindset that does them no favors. This is the proximate reason why we leave one life, only to begin another, because where there is no progress, there cannot, therefore, be any growth, and without growth, we will not reach the destination that is necessary for us to accomplish so as to vacate this play of mortality.
Indeed, the drama that we experience in this mortal life, is meant to awaken us from the stupor that precludes us from comprehending that we are immortal beings, temporarily housed within a physical body, of which, through our deeds of good, we recover the knowledge that we are in our essence, one with God. So then, the reason for mortality is that our experience in this world is meant for a finite amount of time, to season us, thereby permitting us to know the good and bad of having free will, with the attendant comprehension, that freedom always comes with responsibilities, and those that are responsible, make good on that freedom, by doing the right thing, time and time again, thereby successfully shedding their physical raiment, for that which is divine, instead.